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| An unborn life |

Gunshots echo through the wintry night. A man, shivering like a worm cut in half, runs through a field of growing rice plants. The plants crack together under his rough steps but he doesn't care. More shots are fire. The man feels a sharp pain in his abdomen region and before he could realize that a small silver bullet is tearing his organs apart, he is already laying on the ground.

The man groans in pain as blood pours out of his stomach. Quickly, he presses his hands on the wound and for a moment forgets that his trouble is not the wound rather the person that shot him.

"Like a rabbit in the foxes trap." A deep male voice chuckles from above. His black hair flies out of his pale face with a cold breeze of air.

"Now, what did I tell would happen if you started to run away." The man askes and a few other chaps join him, ganging up on their bleeding victim.

"Please! I-I have a wife! She is pregnant!" The victim begs. The full moon made it possible for him to see right into his attacker's eyes. The black-haired male stops smirking when he hears his prey whimper for redemption.

"I know. Everyone in this god damn village knows your wife." A dirty smirk forme itself on his lips. The other men agree with their boss when some of them chuckle as well.

"Your wife is the most beautiful woman in this village. I have a wife too. Not that I care about her." His gang members laugh at his sarcastic comment. He holds still for a second, thinking about his next move.

"Anyway the woman bore me a child, a son. At least something useful that she did. I will let you live and forget that crime have done if you will give me your child. Your wife family is known for bearing females of god-like beauty. Your unborn daughter will marry my son in eighteen years, agree?"

The bleeding man thinks about his offer. It is a fifty-fifty chance of his wife bearing a girl and right now he is not in a position to negotiate.


9 month later . . .

"Ahh!" A woman screams because of the pain coming from her womanhood. She is in the middle of labour and her husband is in deep trouble.

"(y/m/n)! Are you okay?" Her sister askes while holding her hand. The distressed woman rolls her eyes at the useless questions.

"I... I can't believe he made a deal!" She screams as a reply and her sister chuckles inappropriately.

"I was bleeding out!" Her husband yells back from behind the curtains. He isn't allowed to be with his wife since it is the tradition for the man to wait outside with the other male members.

"Ahh!" The woman is incredible pain and no one in the house is denying it. A sharp pain runs through her body as another contraction made her feel as if her insides ate tearing apart.

"Ane! Get him away from me!" Your sister follows your command immediately and runs out to drag her husband away from her.

Her pain grows worse and the fact that her husband, a friendly man with nothing but love for the world, has got into a gang fight and promise the man his unborn daughter as a wife for his son.

"This idiot." She sighs when the pain eases for a short second.

"What should I do?" She thought to her self. The pain grows worse again as her unborn baby made it clear that it wants to come out of her womb.

Painfully screams and tears fill the room and in this desperate moment, the woman decides that her only option is to pray to Gods.

She prays for her unborn child and if it is a daughter, that the gods would take care of her.

What the woman doesn't know is that the kami Inari, the god of foxes, listens to her prayer. He looks down from the heavens and askes the woman what she is willing to do in return for her unborn child's safety.

"Anything!" The woman screams as more pain builds up inside her.

"Very well then." The kami speaks and offers her a deal.

"In eighteen years I will take your daughter before she can marry the cruel man's son."

When the child is born, a beautiful baby girl, the kami places a small birthmark in the shape of a foxes head on her foot. A simple symbol, but with gigantic significance.

The baby's name is (y/n) and this is how the story begins.

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