Chapter 2: Konoha

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Finally, we reached Konoha! I have been apart of the sand siblings for three weeks now, and I have to say, they've grown on me, even Gaara. I don think they're quite use to my strange behaviour, but that's normal.

The mission has now started.

"Temari, can I go look at the village, I really want to see it!" I yelled at her, but she knew what this meant. I was going to go scout the village and assess the layout. She fake sighed and played along.

"Fine, but just get back before three okay." She said, feigning annoyance.

"Thanks sis!" With that I did my signal, which consisted of a three fingered wave and a wink, then bolted through the gates. I knew next time I saw them I would have to use the next signal, which consisted of a tantrum if the village was mapped, or a happy dance if it wasn't. I hated both signals. Sighing I just bounded down the road, keeping up my idiotic act for the time being, well until my match that is. I started to hum to myself as I mapped the village, boy was I bored.

"I'm a fire starter! I'm a sweet disaster!" I sung as I danced along the road. I pushed my hood forward more so it would fall off.

"Hey put Konohamaru down!" God what an annoying voice.

"Just put him down before they come." Temari. I froze in the middle of my dancing and stopped singing. I turned my head to realise she was talking to Kankuro. I slowly took a kunai out of my pouch, jumped up silently onto the wall above him and aimed the kunai directly next to his head, causing him to drop the kid in shock.

"I'm a badass jumping off a moving train! I'm a Jane Bond putting all the guys to shame!" I growled out.

"H-Hey Masa-Masago! I d-didn't see y-you there!" He fake smiled as he saw the scowl on my face. "Lovely day, don't you agree Masago." I growled at him.

"You interrupted my singing and dancing, Kankuro. So it won't be a lovely day when I castrate you!" I yelled, my voice gradually getting louder. I discreetly winked at Temari to show I gathered the information. She started to smile, just as Gaara showed up.

"Your a disgrace to our village Kankuro. Let's go." Stated Gaara as he turned to the leaf village ninja. "I'm sorry for his behaviour." Way to sound emotional Gaara, you've got me in tears. I dropped down to the ground as the three started to walk away, following after them.

"You, what's your names." Leaf ninja just get more annoying don't they.

"Me?" Questioned Temari as she fluttered her eyes. Ew.

"No the one with the gourd and the one with red eyes." I laughed as Temari sweat dropped.

"I am Gaara, I am also curious as to who you are." Stated Gaara.

"Sasuke Uchiha." Gaara looked at me, he was expecting info on him later. "And you?" He questioned nodding in my direction.

"None of your concern." I sang, still keeping up my idiotic front as I twirled hair around my finger.

"I told you my name, it is only fair you tell me yours." He stated, clenching his fists.

"You told Gaara your name, not me. Therefor I am not obligated to tell you anything. Goodbye," I called out as I skipped away with the three siblings. I looked to Gaara as we were walking away and told him everything I knew about the Uchiha. "Uchiha clan use to possess the power of the sharigan, a technique that uses the eye to cast genjutsu. The majority of the clan has been massacred, leaving only Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. The latter is the one responsible for the massacre and is currently an S rank criminal." I finished whispering him the details, he just nodded. I then turned to Temari and started to talk to her.

"I have the entire village layout, including the inside of the Hokage tower, the training grounds and the forest. It was a pain in the arse, but I got it done." I said, huffing as I pulled my hood forward.

"Good, now go back to the annoying idiot front, people are looking." She whispered to me. I started to giggle and jumped on Kankuro's back.

"Play along Kankuru." I growled in his ear, the. Went back to giggling and playing with the ears on Kankuro's hat.

"Why me....." He whispered as he dropped his head.

"Because, there is nothing less suspicious than a little girl playing with her big brother, is there." I whispered between giggles. "I hate this just as much as you do, think of it this way, you don't have to pretend to be an idiot. You only have to pretend to be my big brother." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"She's pretty tired hey sis?" called Out Kankuro to Temari, while smiling.

"Well of course, she skipped the whole way here." She said, while also smiling.

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