Chapter 3: Too Stupid?

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I sat up in bed as I looked at the clock. Five o'clock. Too early. But I'm not going to go back to sleep, and the sun is up. Ugh. Once I finally lugged myself out of bed, I moped to the bathroom and got ready. Man I hate mornings.

Today I wore my average ninja outfit. A loose red shirt with black shorts and black knee length cover in ninja shoes. I also added fingerless gloves, a grey hoodie and tied my black Suna headband around my arm. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen as I tied my hair up with a ribbon, knowing Baki and Gaara would be up.

"I'm going to go now, tell everyone I'll meet them there!" I yelled as I grabbed an apple and walked out the door. What to do now. I suddenly realised that the training grounds would be empty, so I ran to them. I needed to practice my dancing. Once I got there, I pulled my hood up and I started to sing and dance.

"Undo myself! Undo what hurts so bad! Undo my pain, for the get out, for the rain! I know that I am over you, at last I know what I should do! Undo myself!" I sang as I danced, now very aware of the four people watching me and a blob of chakra sneaking up on me. Quickly I flipped out of the way, grabbed a kunai and got prepared to fight. A shadow? Must be a Nara.

"You wanted something, Nara?" I questioned, not being able to see which one the shadow was joined to. I added a twinge of stupidity to my voice, to look stupid.

"How do you know my clan name?" Ah, so it's a boy then.

"I know a lot of things, for example, if your here then there also must be a Yamanaka and Akamiki as well. Your clans often work together when attacking. You're very famous in my village." I explained, causing him to step out of the shadows and man was he cute, but not my type. Good thing I had my hood on so he couldn't see my cheeks flame. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the fourth person is your Sensei." I said, preparing to run at any moment as I smiled, making it visible to them.

"Mind transfer jutsu!" I quickly jumped up and landed in the tree line, successfully dodging the attack.

"How can someone be that fast?" Someone questioned from behind me. Since the voice was more mature and older, I assumed that it was their Sensei.

"So you must be the Sensei." I stated as I turned around. "Ah Asuma, I've heard a lot about you." I said as I jumped onto a branch, while twirling my hair. "Now tell me, what was the purpose of that?" I questioned, as the three genin showed up next to their Sensei. when no one replied, I had my answer. "Oh, so you were trying to find out what my fighting style is? Good luck with that." I giggled, putting up my idiotic front again. "But, no need to fret, I'm harmless when unprovoked!" I just giggled as I walked away. "See you soon!" I yelled, waving my hand frantically. Being an idiot is hard work.

I met Temari, Kankuro, Gaara and Baki at the academy.

"Sorry I'm late!" I yelled, keeping up the act as it was crowded, then dropped my voice into a whisper and leaned in to whisper to Baki. "Three genin attempted to attack me, a Nara, a Yamanaka and a Akamiki. Watch their Sensei." With that I just bolted into the academy up two flights of stairs and up the third set, after yelling at the two Chunin to release the genjutsu of course. I ran into a room, only to see the Konoha twelve already there. I frantically waved my hand at the Nara boy.

"Hey you!" I yelled. "I didn't get your name before, or any of your teams names for that matter...." I trailed off as I pretended to think. "oh my, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself, well I'm Masago Rin, from Suna!" I said, flashing a lazy smile.

"Hey, she smiles just like you!" It was the blond one. God she's loud. "Anyway, I'm Ino Yamanaka, this is Shikamaru Nara and our teammate Is Choji Akamiki." She smiled at me. I had to hold back a sweat drop at her over active nature, so I just smiled and nodded.

"Hey Masago! Get your arse over here!" It was Temari. With that, I ran over to Temari while waving goodbye to the lazy boy and loud girl.

"Okay, Kankuro will get my answers as well as his own and Gaara will use his sand eye. What are you going to do Masago?" She whisper in my ear.

"I'm good, I know the answers anyway." I whispered back as I shrugged. Her eyes widened once she realised that I had already taken the test.

"How can you take it again, surely they'd have your name in their records." She said worriedly.

"The first time I did it, I used a fake name." I shrugged, as I saw her sigh in releaf.

I saw all of the Konoha twelve crowding around a guy with glasses and his silver hair pulled into a low ponytail.

"Do you have any information about Gaara of the sand?" Asked a boy with spiky blond hair.

"It says here, that every mission he's been on, he has returned without a wound. Amazing." The silver haired guy said amazed.

"What about Masago Rin from the sand village?" You won't find anything Shikamaru. As soon as the silver haired guy sent his chakra to the card, it turned red and dissipated.

"What....?" Mumbled the guy. "Impossible...."

"What?" Yelled the blond with spiky hair.

"All the information on her automatically dissipates once I've summoned it, She must be someone important...." He trailed off at the end causing all of the Konoha twelve to turn and look at me, I just smiled and waved frantically.

"No, she's too stupid to be important." Muttered Ino. How nice. My expression changed to that of annoyance and Shikamaru noticed.

"Ino, she can hear you....." She turned to see me with an annoyed face.

"Oh, um.....I was just kidding Masago..." With that I beamed and turned back around. "See what I mean." I tick mark formed above my head as I heard that.

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