Chapter 10: The Five Kage Summit

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"Hurry up Masago, or you're going to make us late!" Good morning to you too Temari. Groaning, I sat up in bed and looked around my room, oh how things have changed. I moved in with the siblings, Gaara became Kazekage, me and Temari got closer, and my hair got stained. I remembered back to what caused it. Konoha. My own blood stained my blue hair pink, how annoyed I was.

I pulled myself out of bed and went to the bathroom with my outfit. Normally I would wear my ANBU mask and my own ninja uniform, but since I'm going as Gaara's bodyguard and advisor to the summit, I will have to put up with something a bit more formal. I quickly had a shower, brushed my hair and pulled on the outfit. It was a white dress with a bow in the middle, I also opted to put a black hooded knee length coat, fingerless gloves and my glasses on. I quickly grabbed my backpack, which I packed last night and bolted out the door, just as Temari was about to run and grab me.

"Have a little more faith in me sis." I muttered and locked the door, since I was last out. She just rolled her eyes.

"This is where our mission starts. Kankuro, be ready to attack any threats with me, Masago, be on alert at all time for threats, tell us if you sense anyone at all, okay?" I just nodded. Why was I stuck as the advisor AND bodyguard. Sighing, I walked ahead of everyone as soon as we left the gates, so I could sense threats earlier. I hummed to myself as I walked, trying to pass the time. It worked.

Once we finally arrive at the Land of Iron, we had to escort Gaara to the Five Kage Summit, harder then you think with loads of samurai around.

"That's it! If you little brats don't get out of the Kazekage's path, I WILL PERSONALLY SKIN YOU ALIVE!" All of the samurai looked at me, then bolted. Knew it would work. I opened the door for Gaara and held it open for my three older siblings.

"Thank you Masago." Oh so now he's formal. He must have seen my fowl scowl, since he smiled at me. Grumbling I lead him to his chair and stood behind him with Temari and Kankuro.

"Sorry we are late." Gaara started. "We ran into some trouble outside." I turned my nose up at that. We? I'm the one who cleared the crowd.

"Now that everyone is here, I ask you to remove your hats." All the five Kage removed their hats. "Let the meeting commence!" Nobody said anything.

"Well, I guess since no one is going to start, I might as well. Now regarding the jinjuriki, I wish for more protection to be placed on them." The the short man from the Iwagakure started to laugh.

"You wouldn't know anything about jinjuriki Kazekage!" He cackled. I got into a crouch, ready to jump to Gaara's aid.

"I use to be a jinjuriki, but the akatsuki captured me and removed the beast. I am well aware that your jinjuriki was taken Tsuchikage." Gaara stated, still resting his head on his hands.

"That is enough!" Yelled the Raikage, causing everyone, including myself to rush to our Kage's aid. Kankuro pulled out a puppet, Temari opened her fan and I stood in the middle of everyone, with my hands held out.

"Enough!" Called The old guy who was governing the meeting. Slowly the Kage nodded at their Bodyguards to stand down, I however didn't and just looked at the man.

"Wow, I forgot about you." I stated, causing the three siblings to sweat drop.

"Aren't you a bit young to be at a Kage summit dear?" Questioned the Mizukage.

"No offence intended Lady Mizukage, but if I'm old enough to be held in a prison, I'm old enough to be at a Kage summit, Lady Mei." I stated monotonously, while facing her.

"Stand down now!" Yelled Gaara.

"Yes, Lord Kazekage." With that I stood behind him, my eyes ready at any moment.

"You seem familiar girl." Stated the Hokage.

"I would hope so, you were the one who encouraged my whipping for information." I stated with a straight face, as hers lit up with recognition. "Ah, I see you remember me now, well at least it's not the slug princess." I growled. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder to calm me. I turned to see A cute boy, so I smiled in thanks. He looked to be the Mizukage's bodyguard.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you two know each other?" Questioned the Tsuchikage.

"That man, was the man who gave me these." I slowly slipped off my coat and dress, leaving me in my cropped mesh undershirt and black shorts. My scars that covered my front, back and shoulder were now very visible. "Well, HE didn't give me them, he just gave the order to whip me until I talked." I shrugged as I slipped my dress and coat back on.

"Interesting...." Muttered the Mizukage as she took in my scars.

"Normally they would be gone by now, but since it was only three years ago and I was ten at the time, they're here to stay." I said, returning to my position next to Kankuro and Temari. I spent the rest of my peaceful rest admiring the boy the stood behind the Mizukage. He seemed to be around nineteen. He had short blue hair, dark eyes and glasses. He wielded a sword and was one of the seven swordmen of the mist. I felt someone nudge me arm, I looked to see Temari.

"Dude, your staring at him." I flushed pink and looked at the ground, causing her to giggle. "Hey Kankuro, someone has a crush." She sang as she grabbed me into a headlock.

"Aw, does my wittle sister have a cwush?" He questioned, while antagonising me with a baby voice and squishing my cheeks.

"No..." I said, causing my cheeks to burn brighter.

"Are you three quite alright?" Oh, I forgot about them, so did the others apparently as they started to scratch their heads with embarrassment at the Mizukage's question. I started to laugh loudly as they flushed pink, only for Kankuro to grab me into a headlock and cover my mouth, but I still laughed. I swear I even saw Gaara smile.

"Sorry about the interruption Lady Mizukage, it just appears that my little sister here has a crush on Ch-" he was cut off by me elbowing him in the stomach, sending him into a fit of coughs.

"Sorry about the interruption, Lady Mizukage. It won't happen again." With that I dragged Temari and Kankuro back to our spots by their ears and willed for my blush to go down. The Mizukage just laughed and continued talking.

"When we get home, I will have your heads." I snarled as my blush only got brighter when I heard the Mizukage laughing. They just laughed more, while I pouted.

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