Chapter 6: First Round

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I jumped onto the arena platform and climbed on Kankuro's shoulders so I could see better. The Hokage had just told us about the history of the Chunin exams, but I wasn't listening. I looked up to the board to see me name.


Just my luck, I'm first up to. I climbed down off Kankuro's shoulders and gave him a hug before jumping down. It was a girl and she looked to be about fifteen. She had long brown hair as was wearing a skirt with a crop top. Mentally sighing, I put a stupid smile on my face and got ready to fight.

"Go!" With that she formed some hand signs, and shouted.

"Water Dragon!" Only for me to do the same thing, at the same time. "Ugh!" I just smiled. She quickly grabbed a kunai, myself doing the same and threw it, only for me to mirror her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" She screamed as she ran at me with a kunai and swiped at me, only for me to do the same. She quickly dodged back and threw the kunai, only for it to meet halfway with my own. That's pretty much how the match went, he doing a jutsu or movement and myself copying it. Once she was confident that she was safe, since I kept mirroring her, she ran at me, not expecting me to hook my arm around her neck and pin her to the ground.

"Do you give?" I questioned giggling, while flashing my eyes, causing her to scream.

"I GIVE! I GIVE!" She screamed as my eyes started to take effect.

"And the winner is Masago Rin!" With that, I jumped up onto the platform while smiling.

"Good job Masago." Said Temari. "Now let's go watch the other matches." I nodded and was about the follow her, until someone grabbed my arm. I spun around and pinned them to the ground. It was Shikamaru.

"That's a pretty neat Jutsu you've got there." He complemented.

"That's not my jutsu." I said sitting up. "That was one of my secondary jutsu's." I finished

"Well what is your jutsu then?" He questioned.

"I'm not telling!" I sang as I ran and hid behind Temari.

All three of the siblings had won their matches as well as Shikamaru, so I skipped out the door and ran to the house we were staying in.

"Now Masago, the final matches are in one month, so you need to train." I just shrugged at Temari, I would be fine.

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