Zed - Your Game (of Teasing)

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So set the boundaries, I decided to start with the first part with Zed with an unspecified female, Reader!F with female body per say. I've been listening a music on replay so it's from the inspiration got. The music in question is "Your Game" by REYKO.


Playing League of Legends is quite an experience and a long journey for you, even more into knowing that you can enter the world of Runeterra and being able to interact with the Champions, flesh and bones, close as possible of them. At the time you started you didn't give enough attention to certain Champions because it was too much to take at the moment however the majority you played some times.

Zed entered in such category. The hiding of his features and the metallic deep voice coming from the recesses of his helmet, the mystery that surrounding him keep you enough interested. You weren't exactly good into managing the Master of Shadows on the proxy war so to prevent more discomfort and despise form such important and deadly figure you decided to play when necessary.

It changed a little when his star pupil and heir of the Shadows, Shieda Kayn, appeared three years ago.

Like Zed you played with Kayn but didn't understand too much of his mechanics, also putting him aside but never forgetting his presence. Things changed when the Odyssey event arrived and you got so fascinated with Kayn as an intergalactic 'villain' that you started to truly work and understand the young man better, to the point that you self-proclaimed him as your main champion. It was on this very moment you took taste in understanding Kayn's a story and, consequently, Zed's as the order he masters. A year later would be released the Galaxy Slayer skin for the Master of Shadows and then finally one of the big mysteries around such famous champion would be revealed: his face.

White hair pushed up and back, pinkish hue for skin and eyes, full lips, high cheek bones adorned with the golden material of Ora, a straight nose and angular jaw, his upper torso nude and showing the purplish tattoos as also more of the Ora on his skin. It curls over the huge muscles of his ripped torso and arms.

You should not be interested by a Champion with such amount of skin displayed but it was exactly what got your eyes over him (and also as Kayn's, if you're being thoroughly true). To be more direct it was his beautiful face, making you wonder if this may be his normal looks without all of the Ora stuff.

Then you started to switch between both Champions; with Kayn you were more comfortable so you used him on ranked games and with Zed you used on normal games. The less pressure is in the matches, the less you would disappoint the Master of Shadows.

You wondered why you would be comfortable with pupil and not with the master after such long time sharing victories and defeats in those proxy wars. Maybe because his shutting in and cold personality. He doesn't need to speak to demands respect. Then it's what you give to him.

Until in a moment a funny situation happened.

While winning matches on ranked games you were so happy about your steady climbing that you needed to exteriorize in some way, so you celebrated by running to Kayn and jumping onto the taller man and kissing him on his cheek. On the first time it got him by surprise, his arms closing instinctively around you. Upon realizing what you did your eyes widens and you try to scramble off and get some dignity back at such thing. Kayn had none of it, his arms tightening and a huge smile plastered on his face. Seeing that he accepted it you curls your arms around his neck, squeezing the man on your hold. This continued through the other matches so it becomes a normal ritual for you both.

In a certain match you'd chosen the jungle position as normally however the summoner which was on mid lane, in the moment of despair didn't choose the correct champion, picking Rengar. You asked to trade your position of jungle to mid, since you're in the last pick so then you could make the correct choice and probably save the match. Changes accepted you pick Zed, your hands in the moment already sweating, dreading what might happen or he even might think with you if you fail.

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