Yasuo - Memories Traced (Hearts Connected)

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Need to warn thatsince I'm on this spree of creativity I'm writing as much as I can so therequests doesn't be piled up for too long. In the next weeks I'll have a seriesof tests in my graduation so I think will take long to return to work on therequests after this one. Also I'm centering the events of this chapter a littlebefore starting the Spirit Blossom festival event. This new chapter isrequested by adeteka, a special chapteras their birthday gift (I'm sorry for it being so late). It was requested Yasuowith a male Reader and fluffiness overload. Thankfully Yone has been releasedand gave more depth to Yasuo's story.

- Chapter inspired by the music "Taion" by Shuta Sueyoshi (or you can look for SpiritPact opening :D).

- Italic paragraphs are flashback moments. The other lines are English translated lyrics of the musical inspiration of this chapter. Keep in mind that the reader is singing in Japanese but for effect of understanding I put in English.

I hope you enjoy!




These words, when people hear, their minds already recall various aspects in which can be linked to these words.

Long hair, kimonos, straw sandals, beautiful katanas.

Poised man, righteous man, most of them fighting for honor or fighting to regain their lost honor.

These characters or people are worldwide adored by the ones that like the stories coming from such figures. Media has extensively worked upon such concepts as means of success. Of course this wouldn't be different in Runeterra, or even less in the League of Legends.

The promise of the handsome payment while fighting on the proxy wars had, for better or for the worse, snared the attention of a single Ionian swordsman. A ronin, in this case. Yasuo is his name.

When the brooding man appeared as the new champion seven years ago mixed feelings were among the summoners. The major of them being doubts, since the ultimate has to be occurred within a certain circumstances, such thing being acquired by in the exactly moment that Yasuo release his whirlwind and it hits the enemy or some other champion has the power of raise the enemies and then the final blow being able to be done. To have a skill that needs the other teammates to be function was new as also exciting. A lot of people tried and still try until today to master it.

Within the months and years to come Yasuo's fame had grown exponentially, to the point that he become the champion with the highest picking choice between the summoners, as also the with the highest rate of banning, creating havoc and discord among the them.

'Why discord?', people would ask.

Simply because not many understood how he works, to the point this summoner would become dead-weight through the course of the match. Or this summoner could manhandle him very well however this person could become so toxic to the others that would create rage. That's why Yasuo was the first or the second to be banned upon the games. To that moment Yasuo's name become to be associated with the 'cancer summoners', to the point that the champion himself would become more broodier than before, even if the match was a successful victory.

To your point of view, it was downright wrong. It isn't his fault if people have mediocre personalities. As far as you had read on his lore, he'd suffered for wrongs he didn't commit. He was on the wrong place at the wrong time, like many people of your world had experienced. He simply doesn't need to be the guilty of things that others do. And you choose to make his life just a little better while you were with him on the matches or just around. You may be a man but at each time the brooding samurai spared some attention to you, you would be internally fangirling over it. The older man is so reclusive that these little bits that Yasuo recognizes your presence felt like bits of happiness. It started to happen after you saved Yasuo of another bothersome moment.

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