Zed part 2 - You push, I'm pulling (Away)

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Well,I did live a sour feeling on the last Kayn request. So as has been waiting theconclusion of this little saga inside this collectionThisnew chapter is requested by Loralle, in which requested part 2 with Zed, theReader will be the female previous one from the other chapters.

Chapter inspired by the music "Youngblood" by 5 Seconds of Summer

I hope you enjoy!


That day started with a bad feeling, ticking off on his intuition. Zed didn't know why he is feeling like this but he and his shadows were restless.

Something is wrong.

Upon hearing that something had happened with his precious student made him stressed, worried and overall pissed. He knew about this malfunction, leading the champions being trapped in some sort of alternative universe, the so called skins portal had been gone wrong once years ago. He saw how it took a tow on the champion and how the consequences were not good. The response the Institution gave to this that things would be fixed and would never happen again.

Well, it did happen again. And the worst of it that it happened with one of his own.

He wasn't just pissed because it happened with Kayn. He was more pissed that it happened with Kayn and the responsible personal decided to tell that fact six hours later.

Soon he barges in the room, on his fury he didn't dose the strength while opening door, the object hitting the wall and making a loud noise, startling the white jacket person on the room. – "What's the mockery of this? What you have done to my student?"

- "Master Zed?" – His face turns towards you and he sees your eyes widening at him. In this moment he realizes that he wasn't wearing his helmet and now all of that months of intense restrain and just not call off this little game of his (for the sake of honor, his pride and his own interest) to see if she was worthy of seeing his face.

However suddenly he sees that your expression has turned to anger, and in that he understood clearly what is passing through your head. He steps at your direction. - "You aren't supposed to be here." – At this moment he realizes how bad the choice of words it has been.

The woman is furious now. – "I'm not supposed to be here? Well then, Master Zed, you were supposed to be here six hours ago. And now here you are, so late." – The tone of your voice rose as you stand from your seat, your eyes glaring daggers at him. – "So answer me, where were you that took so long to know the whereabouts of your own son? Or you're too angry that your little game upon me has ended before you wanted?

His eyes widened upon hearing your words, his own anger from before now diminished over the shock. Knowing that would not stop he decided to move away people that didn't need to listen their words. – "All of you, except of Kayn and her, out."

- "But sir, we need to question..."

- "You did question them over such long time and yet found nothing. OUT!" – Footsteps moved quickly, soon the sound of the door closing and then quietness over the place. He walked the few steps, closing the distance between you both. He can see you visibly clenching your fists, fighting the urge to just not do something to him. So he turned down his anger and spoke the most neutral voice he could must. – "I'll not discuss with you this. There are far more important things at the stake..."

- "Now Kayn has turned important enough for you?" – You cut his speech. – "Well, not that important, since took you six long hours to get here, right?" – You used your hand to push him back, giving more space between you and him.

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