Viktor - Reboot (and Start Again)

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A got a struck of creativity before I sent my computer to fix and could write mostly of this chapter here. Fortunately I could lend a friends tablet so I could set the final touches.

Thischapter is requested by Thousand_sins_and_one_good_deed, in which requestedwith Viktor and didn't specify the Reader, so I'll make it as a female. Viktoris one of the characters I don't know well either so will be SFW.

Chapter inspired by the music "Machines" by Modestep.

I hope you enjoy!


This champion wasn't exactly a type of champion you would look twice of his existence, his physique and appearance wasn't something would make you lose some minutes of your attention. When a person used him as their champion and played him well you looked at his skill set in wonder, thinking that someday you might want to use him as your partner. This day has come when in a pick error of your part.

You're supposed to be jungle, Vi was your choice on that moment however you wrongly picked Viktor. Since you were play with friends and it was a normal match you and mid laner changed. Time to test this champion, then.

You did well, per say. Not that well but still good.

Once you exited the summoner's chambers and entered the after match chamber you met by the first time. The male was tall, his left arm with four fingers, while his left with normal count of fingertips holding this scepter like apparel. The orange glow coming from the space of his eyes seems to be perpetual, contrary of his third arm, which wasn't glowing anymore.

Upon seeing you Viktor walks the few steps, and you nervously wonder what he wants with you. When he reaches closer you already profusely apologizing. – "I'm sorry about not playing well, I didn't know a lot about your skill set so I tried was the best for the moment."

The male in question waited for you to finish, sighed and soon replied in what you perceived as a methodic voice. – "It's understandable since apparently you don't know very well about or how to fight in the middle lane either." – Your eyebrow rose at his words, wondering if such dry and honest words are telling by a machine than a person of flesh and bones. – "I would strongly recommend getting more zealous in your actions. After all I do believe you don't prefer to be carried by your time, even more when you're main of such important role as the jungler." – Both of your eyebrows raised at such thing he said, are he mocking you? – "However by no means, good game." – He moved his scepter to his left hand and offered the right one for a handshake. Kind of stunned at the such change of behavior you blinked and after took his hand, it become strong precise and he handshake. – "Now if you excuse me." – And like that he walked away.

You were still blinking and one of your teammates was chuckling at your side. You looked at the person and said. – "What just happened?"

- "Confusing, huh. If I was you I would look over information about his story on internet. Trust me, once you read you'll understand."

Said and done, once you got some alone time you looked over his biograph and status, and then you realized why the man acted like this.

His drive for life is to use technology as ways to help mankind, born on Zaun, a genius of his own that could integrate the prestigious Piltover Academy. In one chemical accident in Zaun he created the robotic golem called Blitzcrank to help in reach places that humans could reach. People got jealous of his achievements, one of then named Jayce, until he almost killed the Zaun scientist. So at the pass of time Viktor augmented his own body so much that he started to act and behave like an artificial intelligence, not allowing himself to feel or act as a human. Understandable since the mortal limits one person has may be reached when you have machine parts.

The dry sense of humor, per say, isn't intended. His harsh words from before wasn't to hurt you. It seems that he wants you to do your research and work to get better.

Well, if he wants such thing he might help you.

The next day you looked over the champion, walking through the Piltover and Zaun area of the Institution. Until you found the man, on his own, in a room adjusting his third arm. You knocked on the wood material of the table, the man moving his helmeted head to your hand to after raise the glowing gaze to you. You looked pointedly at him. – "May I've have one minute of your attention?"

He looks to the wrist watch he carries and says. – "One minute."

You sigh at that, your anger at such behavior rising a little bit. – "To be direct, I want you to help me to understand better your skills."

- "Did you do your research?"

- "Yes, I did. Know I know you a little better so I might act accordingly." – With no preamble you put your laptop over his desk and logged in, some websites pages that you got about him, about his skill set and runes. – "Some people did a good job researching about what might work well however some of it seems not be the proper thing. So I decided to do the first approach and ask it directly from you." – You moved the screen to be directed to him.

He looked quietly. Sometimes his right hand would touch your computer, his hands racing the keys from the keyboard gently, the touchpad, the screen itself. – "What a device is it?"

You smiled a little bit, giving a salute to yourself in using technology you have to get more attention of him. – "It's a computer and services for anything I might need for just a touch or click. It can be for asking food, write, reading, drawing, listening, and as also to get easy access to information." – As more information shared, more and more you realized you got his curiosity. – "I can share more but I hope you share more of your knowledge with me. One of them would be helping to figure out what's best to work with you."

- "I understand." – For some minutes he got silent, in which his right hand got under his chin and the left one drummed his fingers on the wood. – "Bring more of your technology you've available and I might help you on your quest of your knowledge."

Your eyes thinned at it, sensing some sort of questionable lines of thought processing on his head. – "And I do hope you don't use what you're learning to things people doesn't deem ethical."

Quickly he turns at you, the glowing of the eyes crack getting brighter. – "I would never hurt people without a reason. As you probably had seen on your research my strife for live is helping those in need with technology and I would never do such thing to intentionally hurt them without a reason. The more knowledge is shared and polished to achieve the pinnacle of humanity things will be better for us all."

And there's the driven passion of his showing, such thing that remind yourself that there is somethings that you're wanting to achieve inside League and has been passionately trying it. – "Good, keep those in your mind and my consciousness will live better. Now to our predicament..."

In that afternoon and many others you both discussed things, and your relationship grew. Despite the dry way of saying things you got better in understanding things. Sometimes he would release some jokes. On that moment you understood that the man just wanted someone to simply talk without people reproaching his own ideals. Also to see the tone of wonder on his voice when you showed your cellphone and what it could, his fingers twitching to eagerly touch the device and after he touch gently anything he could.

As consequence you got better and manhandling his skill set, you learned how to configure the runes. And outside the matches he showed his inventions, asking your opinion in some things, in what would improve. In other words you become the beta tester of his devices.

One of your teammates upon seeing that things have improved in many ways between your champion and you, he poked your shoulder with his own. – "So things got better, huh?"

- "Yes." – You turned around to him and poked back. – "Thanks for the tip to search his story, it gave me a lot of clarification."

- "God, you're even starting to talk like him."

- "Formal words are always good to use, it improve vocabulary and can get people surprised about your speech." – You chuckled at him. – "Maybe you could try to use it and asking help Ashe to improve your abilities."

- "Hey!"

You grinned at him. – "If you excuse me I do have an appointment." – And like that you left the after-match chambers, eager to see the new experiment Viktor might be working on.

Summoners in RuneterraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora