Birth of Coralia Delphine Sparrow

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(December 9th, 1729) Jackie's POV

It's been months since I last saw Jack and I miss him terribly. But the baby is due any day now. Hopefully I don't have a long recovery time. Because once I recover, I'm leaving and heading for Ship Wreck Cove. Teague will protect me and get me back to Jack.

I hope he's been getting my letters. In each is a hidden message. A clue to where I'll be next. Right now we've stopped to see my sister. Barbossa thinks it'll do me some good to be in female company.

Then we'd head to Ship Wreck Cove where all pirate babies are born. Hopefully Jack will be there waiting for me. Then we can leave together with our baby. Anyway gotta go, write later tonight.

I close my journal and hide it under the loose floor board. I get up slowly holding my swollen belly. My baby kicks my hand and I smile. "Don't worry little one, we'll be reunited with your father soon" I tell it.

I've been talking to the baby for months. Telling it stories about Jack, Will, Elizabeth and me. Singing it lullabies. Anything to make sure it knows my voice and how much we love it. I haven't seen Will or Elizabeth either since Barbossa kidnapped me. But he let me write to Elizabeth more then Jack. But never stay around long enough to get a reply from her.

I'm just so excited to see her before my baby is born. Barbossa says I can spend the whole day with her. As I'm not due for two weeks. Ship Wreck Cove is only five days from here. Anyway I slip on my shoes and coat. Then leave my cabin.

"Need help Jackie?" Ragetti asks me when I get to the stairs.

"Help would be appreciated" I tell him with a smile. He holds my hand and helps me upstairs. "Thank you" I say when we reach the top. He nods his head and leaves.

"Morning Jackie, we'll be docking shortly" Barbossa states as he appears beside me. I nod my head. I've hardly spoken to him since he took me from Jack. Unless nessacary, like now when I wanted to see Elizabeth. "You'll be here all day and if you wish. You may stay the night" he tells me.

"Thank you Hector" I say curtly. We soon dock and I walk onto the dock. I get into a waiting carriage and it takes me to Elizabeth's house. I pay the driver and hop out. I go up to the door and knock.

"Coming, give me a minute!" Elizabeth calls from inside. I smile, man I've missed my older sister. She opens the door and looks at me surprised. I smile and go to hug her and a bump stops me. I pull away and see she's pregnant.

"Oh my god, you're pregnant!" I squeal.

"Yes, due next year" she says smiling sheepishly.

"Will's?" I ask.

"Yes" she says sadly.

"Oh he'll love the baby, I'm sure if he could he'd be here right now" I tell her.

"At least you have Jack" she states.

"No I don't" I tell her sadly. "I should of told you, but I thought I should do it in person. Barbossa kidnapped me and left Jack in Tortuga with Gibbs. I haven't run due to my pregnancy, but as soon as my baby is born. I'm gone and will find Jack" I explain.

"Why would Barbossa keep you? Is he sweet on you?' she asks me confused as we sit in her living room.

"God no, he believe he's protecting the baby and I. By keeping us away from Jack"  I tell her. "Long story short, my baby is Calypso's heir and future god or goddess. Calypso made Barbossa the baby and my protector. He believed I was safer away from Jack" I explain.

"I kind of agree, trouble follows Jack around. But your baby deserves to know it's father" she states.

"I agree, but Barbossa doesn't see it that way" I tell her sadly. "If he has his way, both our children will grow up without fathers" I state.

"Hey, you'll escape and find Jack. You'll never stop fighting to reunite with him" she tells me smiling. "How about some tea?" she suggests. I agree and she makes us some tea. I feel another cramp and decide to walk.

However, when I stand I pee myself. Wait, that's not pee. "Elizabeth!" I scream. She rushes in. "I think my water just broke" I tell her as I hold my stomach.

"I'll get my midwife, go lay on my bed and put on my night gown" she tells me. I waddle to her room and remove my clothes. I slip on the blue night gown and sit on the bed taking deep breaths.

Elizabeth soon returns with the midwife. "Lets see how you're doing" the midwife tells me. I let her look. "Not there yet, how are your contractions?" she asks me.

"About fifteen minutes apart, I think" I tell her.

"First baby?" she asks me with a smile.

"Yes and the father is out at sea" I tell her.

"Like Mrs Turner" she says nodding her head. "No worries, this is women business" she states. "When I tell you to push, do so" she tells me. I nod my head as I grab a hold of Elizabeth's hand. "Have you got names picked?" she asks me.

"Yes, Jack William for a boy. Coralia Delphine for a girl" I tell her smiling.

"Both lovely names" she tells me smiling. "Ok, you're ready now. On the next contraction push" she instructs. I nod my head and shortly after push. "And rest, you're doing very good" she praises.

"You can do this Jackie, just think of Jack and his love for you" Elizabeth tells me.

"Mrs Turner please get me a bowl of warm water and some clean towels" the midwife instructs.

"I'll be ok" I assure Elizabeth and she leaves. She returns as I push for the third time.

"Ok, I can see the head. You're doing very well" the midwife tells me an hour later. I hold give Elizabeth's hand a tight squeeze.

"I can't do it!" I cry twenty minutes later.

"Yes you can, breath" Elizabeth tells me.

"Come on, I have the baby's shoulders. One more big push and we should be done. Now push" the midwife tells me and I push hard screaming. My screams is joined by an infants cries as I relax with relief. "It's a girl" she declares.

"Coralia" I breath wanting to hold my baby. She cuts the umbilical cord and lets me hold her briefly. Before cleaning her.

"Both are you are in perfect health, I'd take a few days to rest before traveling. Contact me if there's any problems" she tells me. Before leaving and I sit up. I feed my baby for the first time.

"Oh she's beautiful, Jack would be mighty proud" Elizabeth tells me smiling. "When she's sleeping take a bath and I'll clean the sheets & dress" she states. I nod my head. I finish feeding Coralia and burp her.

I take her with me to the bathroom and lay her in a basket lined with blankets. I then bath to remove the blood and other things. Then put on a new dress Elizabeth provided. I pick Coralia and take her to the spare room. I decide to nap exhausted after the birth.

I lay under the covers on my side looking at my beautiful baby girl. "I love you, Coralia Delphine Sparrow. I can't wait until your father meets you" I tell her smiling. She stretches an arm and places a hand on my cheek. I smile more and place one on her cheek. She gurgles happily.

I lay her on her back and pull her close. Then fall asleep to her little baby snores. Wishing Jack was here with us right now.


Picture above of Jackie with newborn Coralia and new timeline below for future chapters.

Black Pearl attack in 1736 by Blackbeard, not 1746 (Coralia is seven)

Stranger Tides done in 1740, not 1750 (Coralia is eleven)

Dead Man Tells no Tales in 1750, not 1751 (Coralia is twenty turning twenty-one)

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