Chapter one

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Chloes POV:

I woke upto the sound of my alarm clock,i moaned to myself and then turned onto my side and hit the alarm clock which stopped it, and saw the time: 7:00am. Great,my first day of school, at least its Friday. Yes,i know what your thinking, your thinking 'Why is she starting a new school on a Friday?' -Well its because my dad says that hed rather i went to school and gained a day of learning than lose it so thats it, no arguing with my dad. Weve just moved to Wales. South wales to be exact, Port tablot to be even more precise. We had to move here because my dad got a job down here which is so much better pay, im okay with it i suppose. I didnt really have any friends, dont get me wrong, i did have people too talk to but they were all two faces if im quite honest, always bitching about others so i cant say i miss them. The upside to moving to Port tablot though,is the fact that Leondre Devries, yes THE Leondre devries,lives here, im not exactly sure where exactly but yeah,its a shame he started getting home schooled really because we would of been going to the same school, Anyway. Thats me. I need to get ready or im going to be late😂 oh and did i forget to mention im actually going to a bars and melody gig tomorrow? Well,i am. And i have VIP! Woop, im going to meet my idols for the first time ever.

I literally fall out of bed but quickly pull myself off the floor and head for the bathroom where i wash my face and brush my teeth, and then walk back into my bedroom where my mums laid out my new uniform for me.

40 minutes later

I look in the mirror and i have to admit, i dont look terrible but i cant say i look good either, this uniform makes me look even fatter than what i am and i didnt know that was possible.
Im wearing a white long sleeved fitted blouse with a red tartan tie,a black V-Neck jumper, black skinny trousers and Black brogues. My nutella brown hair has been put in a high pony tail and ive curled it slightly at the bottom. I have a nude pink lipstick on, mascara and a small amount of eyeliner and for accesories i have silver stud earrings in. I quickly spray some Jean Paul Glautier perfume and walk downstairs and i follow the smell of pancakes but i feel quite sick, probably nerves so i give my dad a hug instead.

"Im not hungry, i couldnt eat a thing! I will get something at lunch,okay?" I smile putting my River Island shoulder bag onto the side and put my Gym kit inside as i have gym today according to my timetable. Yep,everythings inside that needs to be.

"Okay sweetie. Promise me you will get something though? I dont want you falling back into bad habits" my dad smiles as he starts to wash the dishes before he has to head off to work after ive left.

"Dad, i promise. I am eating,okay? Im just not hungry right now" i smile convincingly.

He nods and continued to wash the dishes silently whilst i grab my black parka coat with fur hood and put it on,not zipping it up as i never do and then placing my school bag on my left shoulder.

"Remember,i have a long shift today so i wont get back till late so dont wait up,but i will see you in the morning before the concert,okay?"

"Okay,shall i just order a takeaway tonight then?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah, i will leave you money on the side, and i hope you have a good first day yeah,make some friends?" He asks looking slightly concerned.

"Dad. Im 14, not 4. Dont worry,im sure i will make friends" i moan slightly before heading for the front door. "BYE!" I shout and hear a quiet reply "bye" back an then i walk out,closing the door behind me before i start to make my way for the school as its only a 10 minute walk away so i put my earphones in, put my bars and melody playlist on and start to make my journey to school.

I cant wait for tomorrow! Im actually meeting one of my internet friends who ive never met before, her names lauren and she is 15,nearly 16. I know im only 14 but were really good friends and i cant wait to finally meet her! Its all good too because she is a charlie girl and im a leondre girl so we never fight😂😂

10 minutes later

Im finally here! Just as the bell starts ringing too, i walk through the school gates and follow my timetable too room 4b which is Maths, i walk inside and everybodys already seated, i stand there awkwardly until the woman which i assumed correctly to being the teacher looks up from her desk and notices me.

"Aah! You must be our new girl, ermm.. chloe?" She asks unsure.

I nod before answering, "Chloe Davies" i smile.

"Theres a spare seat next too... Aaah Mya!" She says pointing to a girl with Blonde hair, she looks nice tbh. And she is really pretty!

I walk over to the girl, "Do you mind if i sit here?" I say awkwardly before taking a seat.

"Of course not" she chuckles slightly. "Im Mya" she smiles whilst i take a seat.

"Im Chloe" i reply.

The lesson goes quite quickly after that to be honest... And the rest of the day. And finally; 5th lesson, gym! I love gym because it means i can lose more weight, i love excercise i really do. It turns out that me and mya are in all the same lessons and ive made 2 more friends through Mya today too, jessie and Cassie. They are all really nice and weve got really close already. Just for gym and then i can go home!😊

A/N- So,please vote and comment what you think and if you have any ideas? I know Leondre and Charlie arent in this yet but i promise, they will be soon! The more votes i get. The quicker i update😏🌸

Chloes uniform is on the picture on the side okay and will be in every chapter unless stated. Created myself so dont steal pleaseee

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