Chapter 26

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Joeys POV:

As if on cue,Chloe and leondre were in eye distance and were walking over to our table, we quickly stopped talking about them and the table went silent as they took there seats.

"Should our ears be burning?" Leondre chuckles.

"Well actually- we were talking about y" matilda started but stopped when Victoria kicked her under the table. I only know this because she kicked me first by accident😂

We had been talking about how cute Chloe and Leondres relationship was and even my dad was trying to think of a ship name for them😂 we finally decided on Chleondre. #Chleondre

"We were just talking about how much your nan wants to meet Chloe when we get back home,Leondre" Victoria covers up, well i might add.

"Oh yeah. Do you want too meet my nan" Leondre turns to Chloe,whos sat at the left hand side of him.

"Err,yeah of course! But what if she doesnt like me" she bites her lip nervously.

"Oh my mam will love you" dad laughs. Its dads mum, our nan.

"What can i get you all?" A waitress walks over to our table with a notepad.

We all ordered and the lady brought our drinks over about 10 minutes before our food arrived, we all thanked the waitress and tucked in. We had all finished except Chloe who was just picking at her food.

"Is there something wrong with it love?" victoria asks chloe,confused on why shes only had like two mouthfuls of it.

"Oh no, im just not really hungry. Sorry" chloe replies putting her plate to the side.

"Thats the first thing youve eaten all day though princess. We skipped breakfast" leondre looks concerned.

"Honestly im fine" chloe smiles but you can clearly see its fake.

I decide to change the subject, chloes dad had already spoke to our parents about keeping an eye on Chloes eating, he explained that when Chloe was 12 she was diagnosed as anorexic, shes just started to get over it after 2 years.. But we think she maybe falling into bad habits again, this explains why she is so skinny. I feel so bad for her.

"So whats the plans for tomorrow?" I ask,directing at everybody.

"Well i was thinking of taking Tilly shopping, shes saved some money up havnt you sweetie?" Vic smiles at tilly who nods,grinning.

"Im going to stay at the hotel resort bu the pool i think" dad smiles.

"I'll join you" i wink.

"If chloe wants too, i thought we could both go to the beach" leo smiles,giving chloe a questionable look.

"Sure. Sounds like fun" she grins taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Great. So all our plans are sorted then" dad grins.

I nod. Fun.

A/N- im finally starting to get votes! YAY. Hallelujah,somebody is actually reading this😂 thank the lord. Thankyou so much for the votes and to anybody reading this because im so grateful! I apoligise if theres any spelling or grammar mistakes, im on my Ipod and i just type so fast,not really checking for errors so i am sorry! Feel free to correct me too😏 love you! Thankyou also for over 350 reads. I really have loads of ideas for this fanfiction. And finally Chloes anorexia history has been spoken about, i think this will be a good plot twist in the story and there wi be more to come.... Hopefully the ADF will be featured again soon. -Chloe🌸

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