Chapter 28

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Chloes POV:

Me and Tilly were in mine and Leondres room because Joey wanted to speak to him and i was lonely

"Wanna a film then Tilly?" I smile.

"Sure,what films have you got?" She grins.

"Err, i brought TFIOS,high school musical and pitch perfect with me because Leondre bought loads with him too" i say getting up from the sofa.

"Hsm! Did you and leondre have fun at the beach today then?" She asks as i put the disk into the DVD player and sit back down near tilly.

"Yeah, did you enjoy shopping with your mum?" I beam as the film starts.

Dont judge i love hsm even if i am 14

"Yeah and i bought loads" she laughs.

"Do you love my brother?" She asks randomly.

"Definitely. I love leondre millions,whyde you ask?" I ask confused.

"Because i know that he loves you too and i dont want him to get hurt, plus your the best girlfriend hes had and your the only one i like" she winks.

"Well im glad, i love you too bits tills" i grin and pull her in for a hug.

A/N- MERRY CHRISTMAS! hope you all got everything you wished for' im sorry this chapters quite short but im typing on my new phone& im used to my old phone which was Iphone5 and now i have a HTC one which is android and im currently trying to work out hoe to turn auto correct off becsuse its ridiculous, for example if i spell Happy it changes it to Hyper? Its really random' im gonna update loads tonight though once ive sorted this so please dont forget to vote! Theres a massive shock coming soon! Comment whst you think it could be. Clue- its nothing to do with Chloe or any of the devries family,,

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