Chapter ten

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Leondres POV:

Me,Liam and Benji had basically just been following Chloe an Mya around like 50 shops all day occasionally giving an opinion and Mya had decided on a dress and matching shoes but Chloe couldnt decide, shede picked two dresses out which she loved and tbh they were both beautiful and she looked perfect in both if them.

"What do you think Mya?- Long or short aqua dress?" Chloe asked myas opinion.

"I like long" mya smiles.

"What about you lads? What do you reckon?" She then asked us threes opinion.

"Long"-liam agreed with Mya.

"Short"- Benji smirked.

"They both look perfect, so you choose princess" i smile.

Me and Chloe had been getting really close and i actually think im starting to develop feelings for her.

5 minutes later and it was now 5pm.

Chloe decided on the long dress and found matching shoes. Ide been texting the rest of the alphadogfamily and they said they can all make it on Tuesday which is great.

"Im quite hungry, i havnt eaten a thing since last night. Do you mind if we go maccies or something?" chloe sighed.

"Me and liam have to go, im sorry!" Mya said hugging chloe before walking of holding hands with Liam and carrying her shopping bags.

"Im gonna head off too, i'll text you about Tuesday Chloe once ive asked my parents" benji said smiling before bro hugging me and walking off in the same direction as the others.

"Mcdonalds then princess?" I smile,puting my arm round her waist gently and directing her the correct way to mcdonalds.

"So its my birthday tomorrow..." I start.

"Really?! Omd your a day older than me then" chloe laughs.

"Yeah, and im going out for a meal with my mum,dad,tilly and joey... And seen as youve invited me to your party and sleepover i wondered if you wanted to come and sleepover?" I ask.

A huge smile spreads accross her face.

"Really?! OH MY GOD yes please, are you sure your parents wont mind? And tilly or joey?" She asks looking confused.

"Of course not! Your basically my bestfriend anyway and my mam lves you!" I laugh which forced her to blush slightly.

"So we will pick you up at 6pm tomorrow? And bring your overnight bag too yeah so you can sleep.. Just text me your address later once your home or something" i smile.

"Thankyou!" She beams as we arrive at mcdonalds.

"Its my pleasure, but please dont tell anybody because i dont wanna get mobbed" i chuckle and she agrees.

A/N: awe, Chloe and leondres friendship. Who thinks it should be more? Ship name? #Chleondre x

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