Chapter 20

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Charlies POV:

"Where too next Chlo?" I smile as all of us, meaning me,Leondre,Chloe and Harvey as the overload boys forgot they had a gig😂

"Err, can we try Topshop? I always see something i like in there" she laughs as we make our way towards Topshop.

I nod with a smile.

Leondres POV:

I snake my arm around Chloes waist as we walk into the store Topshop, and i follow Chloe to where she wants to be.

"Were gonna go to the mens deperatment, err if we dont meet up later then i'll just facetime you or something when your at Australia" Charlie bro hugs me and then gives Chloe a quick friendly hug,Harvey does the same.

"See ya buddy"Charlie waves, as him and harv head off in the opposite direction.

"I like this dress. But do you think ide suit it?" Chloe asks my opinion,holding up a white dress with a cutout back, yes shed look beauiful in anything.

"Deffinitely princess. Do you want to try it on and see what you think?" I smile holding her hand.

"Please. Would you mind?" She smiles unsure.

"Of course not" i say as we head for the changing room.

"I'll be two minutes and i'll come out and show you aswell" she smiles walking into the changing room and shutting the curtain behind her.

She does the same thing for the white dress, a long nightshirt and a pair of usa flag denim shorts. They all suit her perfectly so she decides to buy them.

"That'll be £75.50 please" the woman smiles at chloe as chloe hands her 4 £20 notes and waits for her receipt and change, after what semt like forever as the lady was so slow, Chloe got her £4.50 change an reciept and we were out of the store again.

"Do you wanna go anywhere babe?" She asks me with a huge smile. I love her smile, i love it when shes happy.

"Err. I'll have a look in superdry beautiful, if thats alright?" I smile.

"Yeah, i want to buy some more things anyway. I cant believe were heading for Australia tomorrow for a whole week!" She beams.

"I know. Once were done here,im going to pack with my family and will your dad be able to drop you off at my house at like 4am tomorrow or do you wanna sleepover once your packed?" I ask. I hope she'll sleep. My family love her. I love her.

"I'll ask my dad but i'll probably sleepover once im packed if its okay with you parents" she smiles as we make our way to superdry.

"They all love you so it will be fine" i smile. Its true.

A/N- is anybody reading this? Sorry this was just a little filler, im in the mood to update loads tonight so if you want me too then please voteeeeee x

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