Chapter thirteen

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Leondres POV:

Just awoken, i grab my phone from my bedside table, first looking to my left,seeing Chloe snuggled up to me. Shes so beautiful, and its her birthday! I hope she likes the gifts ive bought for her☺ I log onto twitter too see my timeline full of pictures of me and Chloe from when we were at Mcdonalds. A bambino must of seen us. I have lots of direct messages, i read a few all basically asking the same things such as:

"Whos the girl leondre? I thought you were dedicated to your career"

"Leondre antonio frickin devries, who is the troll?"

"Ew,leo you could do better. A.k.a ME!"

How could they be so rude? And to hate on Chloe,calling her a troll? Shes a beautiful princess.

Chloe starts to stirr next to me,she will be awake soon and i dont want her to see all the hate before i get change to sort it, i dont want anything to ruin her birthday.

I see Charlies also tweeted about it:

"Guys. Im sure leo will clear all this up about him and the girl, im sorry but we havnt spoken recently. Sorry but dont worry we love you -Charlie xx"

I decide to tweet too.

"My beautiul bambinos, i hate to see all this hate towards Chloe. She is beautiful and yes,she is my girlfriend. Im sorry you all found out the way you did but i did say ide only date a bambino and a bambino is what she is. If i see anybody giving her hate, i apoligise but i may just have too block you because its not fair on either of us especially Chloe. I still love you all the same -Leo x"

I feel more movement beside me so i turn to my side and Chloes stirring at me.

"Morning princess,happy birthday" i smile.

"Thanks cheeky😏 What are we doing today before i have to go home and get ready? The party starts at 6 so erm, i should be home for 4 so i can get ready?" She asks me with a huge smile on her face.

"You love it😂" i smirk.
"Wanna go to Alton Towers or something? Its only 8 now so if we get ready and leave soon we'll be able to get on a few rides" i add.

"Oo, i love rides. I'll go get ready now. Shall i get changed into the bathroom?" She asks me, unwrapping my arms from her waist and climbing out of bed.

"Yeah, and princess. The bambinos know and i want you to promise me you will ignore the hate. Okay?" I say getting up and giving her a kiss on her forehead.

She nods and takes her outfit from her bag before walking into the bathroom.

I decide on a plain white t-shirt,black skinny jeans, and my nike jordans and my purple hoodie. I then do my hair,the usual style before Chloe walks back in wearing acid wash skinny jeans, black vans, a black crop stop with the slogan 'LIKE A BOSS" and she has a vans beanie in her hand.

"Do you mind if i quickly curl my hair babe?" She asks..

"Of course not, do you need to borrow my mums curlers? She wont mind" i offer.

"Please. I forget them!" She moans.

"Okay. Shell be downstairs,just go ask her and she will get them for you,im just going to brush my teeth babe" i say,mezmerized by her beauty.

She nods before walking out if my bedroom,and i hear footsteps heading downstairs following.

Victorias POV:

Chloe appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Morning sweetie,is Leondre up?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah, he asked me to come and ask you whether i could borrow your hair curlers please because i forgot mine" she smiles.

"Yeah, of course. Theyre on the side because ive just done mine, whats the plan for today then,its your birthday right?" I ask.

Chloe nods. "Were going to Alton towers and then at my house were having an ADF sleepover and party" she beams.

"Aw. Sounds fun! I will drop you both off at Alton towers if you like when your both ready?" I offer,handing her my curlers.

"Yes,please. I'll tell leo you offered. Thankyou for letting me borrow these victoria!" She grins.

"No problem sweet! And happy birthday, you can open your presents later" i wink.

She laughs. "Okay then,thankyou!" She beams before heading back upstairs.

A/N: so i know bars and melody have left the alphadogfamily and overload are apparently splitting up so its just Harvey and the pow pow girls left but in this fanfiction their all still together and there will be Harvey,BAM and overload at the party. Please dont forget to voteee🌸🌸

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