Chapter twelve

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Chloes POV:

Me,Leondre,Tilly,Antonio and Victoria were all seated in the living room watching tele.

On the three seater sofa, Joey,Tilly and Victoria.

On the recliner chair,Antonio.

On the two seater sofa,Chloe and leondre.

"So i havnt given you your presents yet" i smirk,rummaging in my bag.

"You didnt have to buy me anything princess" leo says,followed bycoos from Tilly😂

"I wanted too" i smile,handing him a box wrapped up in nutella wrapping paper.

"You know me too well" he chuckles.

He rips off the paper and his smile spreads accross his face;

"A lion onesie!" He smirks.

"Like it?" I ask.

"No" he says seriously.

"Leondre,dont be rude!" Antonio butts in.

"No,i dont like it. I love it, im going to change into it now, do you have a onesie to change into" leondre asks,pulling me up from the sofa and wrapping his arms round my waist.

"Yep, a giraffe one" i smirk.

"Ooo i have a giraffe one!" Tilly grins.

"We can be twins then" i laugh.

"Im going to go to bed now" tilly says followed by a yawn.

"Night chicken" antonio gives tilly a hug.

"Sleep right sweetie" victoria says giving tilly a hug and kiss on her forehead.

"Night Chloe! I think you and leo make a sweet couple!" Tilly says engulfing me with a big hug.

"Awe thankyou, i do hope so" i chuckle,squeezing her tightly.

"Night leo, love you" tilly says as leondre puts her on his back shouting piggy back running up the stairs.

"Just follow them" joey laughs.

I nod and walk upstairs to find tilly collapsed on her bed and leondre tickling her. Awe i wish i had a sibling. There relationship is the cutest.

Leondre spots me and gives tilly a kiss on the cheek before walking over to me.

"Piggy back?" He grins.

"Im too heavy" i sigh.

"Nonsense, your so thin!" He moans,pulling me onto his back.

"Woah, your as light as a feather" he laughs pulling me into his room where my bags are before collapsing onto his bed,me colliding on top of him in fits of laughter because i tickled him😂

I was lying on top of him,his arms wrapped firmly wround my waist, our lips cms apart.

"Kiss me then" he laughs.

"No thanks" i joke.

"Do i smell or something?" He pretends to be offended.

"Well, now that you mention it..." I smirk.

"Im joking, i love you!" I smile,giving him a kiss, i can feel him smiling as hi lips are smashed against mine, u can feel his tongue trying to gain entry, hes my first boyfriend. My first kiss, ive never done this before but i gladly accept his request and his tongue comes in to explore as does mine.

"I think we should get our onesies on and then we can snuggle up in bed and watch a movie" i suggest before it gets too heated.

"Okay, you tease" he winks and picks up the onesie i bought him and walks into the bathroom so i can change too.

A/N: so Chloes birthday will be the next chapter, to start her say off,she wake up at leondres after the sleepover and then she has to go home and get ready for the party, 😏 please votee


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