First Birthday

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Summary: It's Elise's first birthday since meeting the Doctor and the Ponds.

Timeline: This takes place after series 5, before series 6.

"Ellie! Ellie, wake up my little star".

Elise opened her eyes and saw River leaning over her bed. Elise smiled and sat up, throwing her arms around her neck.

River picked her up and carried her into the kitchen, where Amy, Rory, and her father sat at the table.

"Happy birthday!" Amy said, bouncing over to her. Amy placed a tiara on her head and kissed her cheek.

Elise immediately pulled the tiara off her head and tossed it aside.

"Okay then", Amy said, "No tiara".

Her father took her from river and sat her down in her chair.

Rory placed a plate of waffles with a candle in front of them and Amy lit it with a match.

"What you do is make a wish and then blow it out", her father told her, "It's an earth tradition".

Elise may have been a Timelord, but the Doctor and River, along with Amy and Rory, raised her as they would a human child. So in reality, she was equally human and Timelord. She closed her eyes and made her wish.

"Now you can't tell anyone or it won't come true", Amy told her.

Elise knew her wish couldn't come true anyway. It was an impossible wish.

"Now eat up!" her father told her, "Lots of fun activities planned for today!"

The Doctor opened the doors to a vast playground filled with kids.

Elise stepped out of the TARDIS, her hand in River's.

"Go on", her father told her.

But Elise's eyes were drawn to an odd shaped building across the street from them. Elise pointed at it.

"Seriously?" the Doctor asked.

"What? What is it?" Amy asked.

The Doctor groaned. "A planetarium".

"If Elise wants to go to the planetarium, then that's where we're going", River said.

"But I can show her the real stars!"

Elise looked at him with her big blue eyes and the Doctor sighed.


Elise smiled and took her father's hand as they walked over to the building.

They went inside and Amy and Rory paid for the tickets, including one to a show about constellations.

There was a long corridor reminding Elise of the TARDIS.

The walls were painted with pictures of the planets of the solar system with facts about them that Elise ignored. It led to an indoor playground with models of spaceships.

"Do you want to go play?" River asked her.

Elise shook her head.

The children were pretending to kill aliens like in the movies.

She and the Doctor were aliens.

Humans didn't understand that most aliens were just like them, with a few exceptions. They just wanted to live their lives and raise families.

It was times like this that Elise was acutely aware that she'd never fit in with humans. She saw the world differently and that made it hard to have friends who didn't understand.

The next section of the planetarium was all about the moon landing and the Mars Rover. There was also a screen that let you look at the surface of Mars.

The Doctor walked over to one of the screens and discreetly pulled out his sonic screwdriver. He picked Elise up and set her on his hip as they watched the screen.

Elise's eyes went wide as she watched Gallifrey appear.

"Not the same, I know. I wish I could make your birthday wish come true", he told her. The Doctor had guessed her wish, because it was something he wished every day. That he could go back. Especially now he had Elise. He'd give anything to go back to Gallifrey and raise her there. Have her go to the Academy and learn about the laws of time and the universe. He was startled out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder.

"The show starts in 15 minutes", River told him.

They entered the large auditorium and Elise laid down on the floor, staring at the domed ceiling.

River and the Doctor laid down on either side of her.

Rory and Amy sat over in the chairs, giving the small family some space.

Before they entered, River had pulled the Doctor aside and made him promise to keep his mouth shut. This was Elise's present. If she wanted to know more, he could teach her later.

But instead of paying attention to the presentation, the Doctor watched Elise the whole time. He loved how her eyes lit up as the stars created pictures and the smile on her face as the presenter told them facts about the constellations. The love of space flowed through her veins and even though much of information was wrong, it still made the Doctor happy to see Elise enjoying herself.

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