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This dark brand of humor (or lack of it) is not everyone's cup of tea. Believe it or not, I do see rainbows every once in a blue moon. This is an outlet for my creative writing. They are feelings we all have battled with and thoughts we may have encountered. These observations, questions and random ideas are simply as stated; nothing more, nothing less.

It's a leap of faith you are willing to take when you close your eyes and your heart pounds inside your chest with anticipation as you free fall into the unknown. You tell yourself, "Let's go on an adventure." Once again, I must declare that this is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, dead or alive, is purely a coincidence. I do not mean to offend anyone or their sensibilities. Now, put on your reading glasses and follow me;

And if you like what you see, follow me on Instagram @ilovelollapalooza

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