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I never felt so alone, and yet I felt complete. In the larger scheme of things, I was like a drop in the vast crystal-clear ocean. I pictured that image a hundred times over but could never fathom that I could be amidst it. I belonged at that moment to my surroundings. The pieces of the puzzle that is my life finally came together. It all began to make perfect sense. I felt like I had walked into a painting, similar to a scene from 'Mary Poppins'.

It was surreal; the lighthouse, overcast skies, a faint breeze and a drizzle danced around me. A solitary seagull was flying against the blue ocean and grey sky. I was alone. All sounds were cancelled, it transported me, and I stood at the end of the pier for what seemed like an eternity, just breathing. I didn't want to take a picture; I wanted to soak it all in, freeze the frame, and capture the moment. This was my moment; it all came down to this. I can still relive that moment and now know what harmony means in the truest sense of the word.

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