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I stand backstage, the silent observer of this story, as I witness all the characters. The stage is set; the lights are dimmed, and the artists come on stage to give everyone present, the performance of a lifetime. The plot thickens, and people reveal their true nature: The narcissistic, egotistic, aggressive, arrogant, conniving, manipulative, dishonest, cruel and sadistic lot who seem to be in abundance, while the loyal, trusting, sensitive, funny, creative and honest folk are indeed outnumbered on the stage. As expected, those in the minority are at a loose end while the other lot have cleverly managed to twist the story in their favour. The audience seems to enjoy this as they cheer for more action. Encouraged by this, the actors meet their demands and put on quite a show. I peep from behind the scenes and decide to drop the curtain and call it a day. People seemed disappointed; they wanted to be entertained and were not ready to call it a night. I thank them for watching as I bow and exit quickly. Once everyone packs up for the day, I sit down with my coffee and marvel at the fact that human suffering is what intrigues and entertains people.

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