Ch 5: A Perfect Start (Ace)

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I woke up to find Peter sprawled across my chest, fast asleep and wrapped in all the blankets. "Well that explains why I was so cold last night," I grumbled, shoving him off of me and onto the floor. He let out a yelp, sitting up and staring at me. "Hey! What did I do?!" I opened my mouth to respond but was shut up by a pillow in the face from Eric across the room. "Aceee shut up I'm trying to sleep," he grumbled, sinking deeper into the blankets on his bed.

"Oh shut up you can sleep in the car," Bruce muttered, rising to his feet and stretching with a yawn. I threw a pillow at him, grinning. "You sleep shirtless so everyone can see your abs when you wake up?" I teased. His face immediately turned red and he flipped me off, picking his shirt up off the floor. "No, I just like sleeping shirtless. It's more comfortable."

Peter shot me a smile from the floor. "Ooh babe you should try that!"

Eric let out a sigh, nestling even deeper into the covers. "Wake me up when it's breakfast time."

"Hell no I'm not making anything, we're going out," Paul said, finally waking up from the couch. And within five minutes, we were driving around whatever city we were in trying to find a place to eat while Eric slept in the backseat because of course he did.

"Ooh, let's go here! This place says that if you can eat a 25-inch pancake topped with ten eggs and more toppings then you get the meal free, a t-shirt, and your name on the wall of fame!" I said, scrolling through the yelp reviews. "Dude, that's a ton of food, no one's gonna be able to eat--" Paul started, but Bruce shook his head. "Eric. Wake up Eric and ask him. He could do it man, easy. Come on, we gotta!" he cried.

I reached over and shook Eric awake, smiling. "Hey, curly! You think you can eat a 25-inch pancake topped with ten eggs?" Eric perked up immediately, grinning from ear-to-ear. "Yes! Oh man absolutely, I'm starving. When can we eat?"

The five of us strode into the restaurant, taking a seat in a booth and taking some menus, Eric still grumbling about being hungry. "So what can I get you guys today?" The rest of us ordered normal portions and all turned to look at Eric, who was struggling to bite back a smile. "Yeah can I do the Grand Slam Challenge?" he asked.

The waitress raised an eyebrow, giving him a look. "You sure about that? You're pretty small, that's a lot of food." "Oh trust me, the kid can eat," I said cheerfully, grabbing Peter's hand under the table. He leaned a little closer against me, free hand moving to the inside of my thigh. Shaking her head, the waitress walked off to the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, well after the rest of us had gotten our food, she walked over with a huge plate and the official timekeeper guy, setting the meal in front of Eric. "Alright, you've got 45 minutes from 10:30 to get it all done. Good luck!"

The five of us looked at Eric's plate, which had a giant pancake covered with ten eggs and a disgusting amount of other toppings. His eyes were shining as he picked up his fork and knife and just attacked it.

Me and Paul and Bruce and Peter and the guy watched in stunned silence as he devoured the meal, shoveling bite after bite into his mouth. And within fifteen minutes, the plate was cleared. "Well...well I guess we'll be comping your meal," the timekeeper said after a pause, pulling out a polaroid camera. "You mind if we get a picture for the wall?" Beaming, Eric held the fork and knife in his hands, shaking his hair out of his eyes and leaning over the completely clean plate. "It was delicious! My compliments to the cook," he said, eyes twinkling.

The instant the guy walked off his smile vanished and he gagged, draining a glass of water. "That was disgusting. Honestly the worst breakfast I've ever eaten," he muttered. "Then why'd you eat it?!" Bruce cried. "Well I had to! I wasn't about to pay $40 for it! Anyway you gonna finish that?I want to get this taste out of my mouth," he said, pointing at Paul's plate.

Pulling a face, he slid Eric his half-finished omelet. "That was impressive but also disgusting. You can have this, I don't even want it anymore."

After the four of us had paid our checks and Eric had gotten his t-shirt, we headed back to the car. "Alright, time to drive for a million years again," Paul muttered, starting the car. I slipped an arm around Peter's waist, pulling him against my side and kissing him. "Well hey, at least we've eaten now!"

We were about half an hour into our drive and Eric was pretty quiet. In fact, he was starting to look really pale and sweaty. "You good, man?" Bruce asked, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah curly, you good?" He stifled a belch, rolling down the window and sticking his face out into the cool air. "Yeah I'm fine," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

"You sure about that?" Peter asked, looking at him in concern. "Uh-huh," Eric said under his breath.

Paul pulled over to the side of the road, unlocking the door. "Alright just get out," he said with a sigh. Eric bolted from the car, staggering a few feet away before doubling over and throwing up all of his breakfast. "Take off the t-shirt, you don't get to wear it anymore," Bruce teased when he made it back. "No, no, I ate it all. Ugh, it was just really bad and my stomach rejected it," he grumbled, accepting the water bottle that I handed him gratefully.

"Yeah okay sure."

"You didn't have it! It was really gross man, I'm serious. the pancake itself was just not good. It was like whole wheat and super grainy and just dense and bad. And then add all the toppings? Disgusting. I don't even wanna talk about it anymore, I might make myself throw up again."

"Well hey, you got a t-shirt though! You should see how many of those you can get before we make it out to Cali!" I said with a grin. His face lit up and he high-fived me. "Yes! Ace you're a genius!"

"Ace you're gonna get him killed," Bruce said from the front seat, but Eric just rolled his eyes. "Aw, shut up. Ace's idea is brilliant and I am 100% going to give it a try."

This was gonna be a fun trip.

This was gonna be a fun trip

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