Ch 61: Babe Come On (Peter)

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I walked up the stairs, so excited I was practically skipping, holding a vase full of flowers and my suitcase in my hands. "Finally gonna see my beautiful husband, I've missed him so much!" I said to myself in a sing-song voice, throwing open the door of the apartment.

"I'm back!!" I cried, smile immediately fading as Ace just stared coldly back at me. "Oh...did something happen while I was gone?" I asked, setting down the flowers and my bag. "I don't know Peter. How was your trip?" he snapped. "Um...good? I got everything worked out, we're going with the second supplier, we got a better rate from them which will be really nice, it'll really help us cut back on costs at the garage."

He nodded, still staring at me. "Ace, seriously, what's wrong? Did I do something?" He just scowled, folding his arms across his chest. "Why were you upstate?" "Why was I--to meet with new suppliers for the garage! The guy we currently go through has raised his prices so I wanted to look around and see if I could find a better deal! I told you all of this, I thought you knew why I was gone!"

"You used your work credit card to negotiate the deal, right?" I squinted at him, bewildered. "Well...we haven't paid them anything yet since we haven't gotten any parts, but yeah I'll use work funds since it's work related business, why?"

"Then why the hell was there a charge of over $600 to our bank account?!" he snarled. I took a step back, reeling, before my hands balled into fists. "Are you fucking kidding me? That was for my hotel room!" I shouted, starting to get really mad. "What the fuck did you think I was doing?!"

"I don't know Peter, what do you think I think you were doing?! All of a sudden you need to take a sudden trip for several nights and I'm not allowed to go with you? You don't think that seems a little, oh, I don't know, suspicious?!"

I stared at him in disbelief, face red. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you'd want to sit around in the hotel room all day while I was in meetings! Didn't realize you didn't trust me! I mean come on, how stupid would I be to use our joint credit card to buy drugs if I was trying to hide it?! How fucking stupid do you think I am?!?"

He leapt to his feet, pointing at me, scowling. "Don't try and turn this around on me! You can't deny it looks extremely suspicious!" Chest heaving, I stared at him, trying to blink back furious tears. "You really don't trust me? I told you, I told you I was done with that, that I didn't want to hurt you again, and you just automatically assume I'm going out to get high? Really?"

"Peter--" "No! I broke my addiction again, I did it for you, and you don't even believe that I have! I went through withdrawals alone all over again so I could surprise you with the news that I had gotten out of drugs, and you never even believed me? Are you fucking kidding me?" I cried, more hurt than angry.

"I'm not saying I don't believe you--" "Then what are you saying?! What are you trying to say, Ace? Because it sure sounds like you're saying you never thought I got out of drugs and I've been using our money to buy cocaine this whole time!"

"Well maybe that's what I'm scared of! I'm scared of losing you to that again!" he screamed. I took a step back, giving up on fighting back tears and just letting them roll down my cheeks. "I promised you, I promised you I wouldn't do it again. I thought you trusted me. I thought you loved me enough to trust me," I whispered, walking past him to our room.

"Pete-" he began, grabbing my arm, but I pulled my hand free, shaking my head. "I thought you loved me enough to trust me," I said again, closing the door to our room behind me. Shaking now, I crawled into bed, taking a deep breath and staring at the wall. As I stared at the beige paint, more tears started to roll down my face until I was full-on crying.

The door creaked open as Ace walked in, sitting next to me on the edge of the bed. He let out a quiet sigh, rubbing my back gently. "Peter I'm sorry," he murmured. "I shouldn't have doubted you." I nodded, biting down on my lip and unable to say anything. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you, you know I do," he said, patting me on the shoulder reassuringly. I nodded again, grabbing his hand off my shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

With another soft sigh, Ace laid down next to me, slipping his arms around me and holding me against him. "I was just scared and I overreacted. I shouldn't have doubted you or said what I said. I should've just been a mature adult and a good husband and talked to you." I rolled over, burying my face in his chest.

"When we got married I told myself I wasn't going to fuck it up this time. I told myself I wasn't going to let anything come between us and hurt you. I don't like fighting you, I don't like seeing you unhappy. I love you, more than anything in the world, I'm never going to hurt you again," I said softly. "Peter I'm so sorry," Ace choked, kissing me on the forehead.

My heart melted and I shook my head, nestling closer against him. "Stop it. You stop crying right now. I get why you doubted me, I told you the day before I left I was leaving, I didn't even ask if you wanted to come, it was suspicious. But Ace please, please next time just talk to me. You're my husband and I love you. I'm always happy to explain myself, and I'll always hate fighting you."

He held me tighter, arms encircling my waist. "I'm sorry. I was stupid." "I mean...yeah, but that's okay because you had every right to be concerned. We just won't do this type of stuff to each other ever again, okay?" I said, giving him a kiss. Ace gave me a soft smile, nodding. "I promise."

I smiled back, snuggling deeper into his arms.

I smiled back, snuggling deeper into his arms

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