Ch 37: Hey Lisa (Bruce)

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AN: Hey hey! My name is Becca, I'm Reyn's friend! She's taking a break for now but she gave me access to her account so I could publish the chapters she already wrote! Don't worry, all of these are stuff that Reyn wrote and did the little sketches for, my only job is to hit the publish button! Anyway, I hope you guys all enjoy what she wrote and of course I'll be sure to announce when she's taking back over!

I walked into our room with a yawn, looking at Eric in amusement as he tried to flatten down his hair. "I don't know how many times I gotta tell you this man, that's a losing battle," I said with a grin. "Ugh I know. One of these days I'm just going to like...cut all it off," he grumbled. "Ew no that would look weird. Keep it long, it looks good like that. Anyway, where are you going?"

A huge smile spread across his face as he grabbed his keys. "Me and Carrie are going out to dinner! I thought I told you that." "You did not," I said, tossing him his wallet. "Oops. Well yeah, we're going out to dinner and then like a movie maybe or dessert or something? Oh yeah and I'm spending the night at her place so you're on your own until tomorrow!" he said with a grin.

"Oh, finally, some peace and quiet," I said, ruffling his hair as he walked out the door. "Oh, shut up. You have fun tonight home alone!" he said, eyes shining. "Trust me, I will. Tell Carrie I say hi and stay safe out there, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, yeah, I will, bye Bruce!"

I closed the door behind him, stretching with another yawn. "Ah, the whole place to myself. Nice." I looked around the apartment, moving to the kitchen area and getting some leftovers together, pulling up a Star Wars movie on the TV and just relaxing.

It took me about thirty minutes to realize I was really, really bored without Eric home.

Heaving a sigh, I pulled out my phone, trying to figure out what to say to Lisa to start a conversation. "Come on Bruce, stop being like this. Just ask her what's up. You guys really hit it off at the bar and you guys have been texting nonstop since them, don't be like this," I muttered to myself.

Hey what's up

I went back to the movie and my cold dinner and waited for a response, which to my surprise ended up arriving like a minute later.

Not much! Hbu? ;)

Lol just hella bored rn

Lol samee

U wanna go do something together?

Like a date?

Yeah! Only if u want tho ofc

I mean why wouldn't I want to go on a date w you? <3

Absolutely thrilled, I waited outside the coffee shop we agreed on, giving her a smile and holding open the door for her as she walked in, pausing for a moment and giving me a shy smile before kissing me on the cheek. "Well hello, Bruce. Long time no see!" Heart skipping a beat, I gave her a huge smile, taking her hand and leading her to a table. She left her hand in mine as we looked over the menus.

"You know, coffee at this hour is probably a terrible idea," she said, eyes sparkling. I laughed, shrugging. "Hey, I've done stupider shit before. Besides, it's less about the coffee and more about being able to see you, you know?" I teased. She laughed, squeezing my hand. "Mm, I do like that aspect of this whole arrangement. I've been looking forward to seeing you again after the bar." I nodded, smiling. "Same. It's nice to see you again. As much as I love our phone calls, it's just not the same as seeing you in person."

We fell into talking about how our days had been, both of us really enjoying the conversation, until she gave me a warm smile. "Isn't it funny how we just happened to meet in a bar? Like usually the types of guys I meet in bars aren't the type of guys I date. But I like you, you're a good guy." My heart melted and I reached across the table to give her a kiss, which she returned. "Yeah, it is wild. Guess it's just good luck my friends wanted to go barhopping for their bachelor party but got so drunk we never made it past the first one," I said with a grin.

"Aw, that really is perfect. Which two were that again? I know Eric, he's so easy to remember, and Paul's the good-looking one, I saw him on your Instagram story." "Hey!" I protested, and she giggled, giving me another kiss. "Shh, he is good-looking, but you look even better." My face turned red and I kissed her back, moving my chair closer to hers. "You're too sweet, as well as being the most beautiful woman I've ever met." A pink blush spread across her cheeks. "Aw Bruce. But seriously, which two friends was it?" "Oh yeah, Peter and Ace. They're the ones who got married like mm...two, three weeks ago? I should probably know that exact date."

"Aw, that's sweet. If we're dating though, you really should introduce me to them, I'd love to meet your friends!" she said cheerfully. I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I'll be sure to introduce you if we're dating. Are...we?" I asked after a pause. Lisa tilted her head to the side, smiling softly. "I don't know, are we?" I shrugged, face growing red. "Do you want to be?" To my immense relief, she nodded, leaning across the table and kissing me. "I absolutely do. I like you Bruce, I really do! I love talking with you, you're sweet and nice and funny and interesting and I'd love to spend more time with you!"

We spent a bit longer sitting at the table, drinking our coffees and talking and making out until eventually I paid for our drinks and took her hand, walking with her down the street. We didn't really say much, just happy with each other's company as we walked down the half-lit streets. Lisa let out a shiver, grabbing my arm a little tighter and walking closer to me.

"Tell you what, I've lived here for ages but I still hate the streets at night. Always afraid that I'll get mugged. I don't know why, I don't know anyone who's gotten mugged." I sighed, squeezing her hand and slipping an arm around her waist. "My friend Eric got mugged senior year," I said quietly. She stared at me, eyes wide. "Oh shit what happened?" "I was taking him home from school and I was running late so he said for me to just drop him off and I did and then he ended up getting stabbed in the side. Almost died, he was in the hospital for like three weeks."

She gave me a soft look, eyes a little sad, and clung to me. "It wasn't your fault, just so you know." I grinned, kissing her. "You sound like Eric." "Well, Eric's a smart man then." My heart melted and I gave her a squeeze, walking further down the street with her.

" My heart melted and I gave her a squeeze, walking further down the street with her

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