Chapter 4: Witches?

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"QUIET!!" Evangeline stormed in, "You're driving your poor father to distraction!" She yelled, splitting up Eric and Chrissy from fighting over a decapitated doll. "Lily," she said calmly "what's this word?" She inquired
"Lovingly. 'He took her lovingly by the hand'," Lily quoted
"What's your book about, Evangeline?" Tora asked
"It's about a girl, who's mother dies and his father remarries and the stepmother is horrid to her," Lily explained
"Why doesn't the father stop her from being horrid?"
"Fathers always stop listening to their kids when their wives die. They don't care anymore." Simon snapped
"Mine didn't really care either," I mumbled barely audible, but I think Simon heard when he shot an apologetic look towards me.
"Simon, yours does." Evangeline sais soothingly, but Si wasn't having it
"No, he doesn't. Does he read stories to Chrissy like he used to? Does he play cricket with us like he used to? He doesn't even sing lullabies to Aggie anymore! We hardly see him! He doesn't even bother to so much as look at Y/N before leaving for work!" Simon defended, I just sat there trying to avoid any conflict.
"He loves you, Simon, you know that. He's just got a lot on his mind since-"
"Since mother died." He concluded, "All he cares about now is finding himself a nice new wife."
"Well, I don't know it might be nice to have a new mother." She pressed on
"Don't you know anything about the world, Evangeline? Y/N is living proof that whoever he marries will be vial and treat us like slaves!" Lily said dramatically.
"And besides, whoever liked other people's children?"
"I like you," The maid smiled
"But you're a servent, your paid to like us. It doesn't count." Eric in a matter-of-fact way. Evangeline excused herself after hearing Eric's harsh words. I ran out to apologise to Evangeline but was held back by Simon
"Don't." Was all he said, but he sounded serious about it, so I stayed back and played games with the kids, but the thought of Evangeline's face was glued to my mind.

"I is hungryyyyyyyy!!" Sebastian whined
"No more Nanny's, right? So, no more rules." Simon concluded, but everyone was confused. "Eric, get the toy mice, Lily get the frying pans. We're going to have some fun tonight." Simon smirked.

Time skip Simons POV:
Y/N and I were hidden away in a nearby closet, waiting for our cue. We were pressed up against each other due to the lack of space. She blushed a bright red every time we came close to making eye contact. I didn't know why, but I like having this powerful feeling, the feeling of being in charge and in control... of Y/N. 'What was going on with me lately? Is this what happens when you get older?' I asked myself every minute I was in that closet.
A loud sound rang from the kitchen, and that was our cue.

The kitchen soon turned to chaos, but there was no one to tell us off at this point!! Y/N and I were combining some mashed potatoes and... socks? I don't even bloody know where they came from, but I didn't even care!
"Hey, Si!" Y/N yelled over my screaming brothers and sisters "I'm having so much fun! Thanks for this!"
"You deserve everything in the wor- LOOK OUT!!" I yelled a little too late, Lily had hit Y/N in the with a tomato. She was about to go tumbling back, but I quickly gripped her arm before she felt any impact from the cold wooden floor. "You deserve everything accept for that!" We laughed. Once she had her balance, I didn't let go of her hand, but she didn't seem to mind. 'Was she feeling the same way?' Wow, I thought a lot from a handhold. This is a friendly hand hold not an 'omg I love you' handhold. Who even made a handhold?' I let my thoughts get the better of me,
"Oh look, the doors open but there's nobody there!" Y/n's words that snapped me out of my confused state
"I am here. I am Nanny McPhee." An old hag at the door said. She had warts, chin hair and looked like she just returned from a funeral.
"Did somebody speak?" I inquired
"I didn't hear anything," Eric said from under the table
"That's because there is nobody there!" Seb filled in. The elderly woman started going on about going to bed and packing up the kitchen.
"How 'bout we stay here and have fun all night long?!" I yelled earning cheers from everyone. She seemed surprisingly calm at our response, and then she pulled some staff out. We didn't think much of it but before we knew it, we were moving 5x our original speed. THAT WITCH DID SOMETHING TO US!!
"SIMON WE CAN'T STOP!" Why was everyone blaming me?!?!
"LET'S STOP THIS AND GO TO BED THEN!!" I called over my screaming brothers and sisters. Glancing around I noticed Aggie was going to go in the stockpot if we didn't do something! And Eric's bomb was about to blow!
"Please Nanny McPhee." She calmly stated 'HOW THE HELL CAN SHE BE SO CALM?' Everyone started saying please and begging to stop. Then it came down to me. All of a sudden Lily splashed boiling water onto Y/N and I after throwing a turkey in the stockpot. I tried reaching out to her but failed due to this 'spell' we were under.
"I NEVER SAY PLEASE!" I shouted in response
"Very well," she was about to leave but then
"PLEASE!" the words escaped my mouth before I could think
"Please Nanny McPhee." I stared at her debating if she was serious, and judging by her stearin glare she was.
"Please Nanny McPhee." I half mumbled. Just as Eric's bomb went off, a thick cloud of green coated the air and then... perfection. Everything was perfect. How?
"Off to bed now, please." All 8 of us marched upstairs away from the strange turn of events that just occurred, when suddenly I realised Y/N had nowhere to sleep.

"Y/N," I asked, "do you know where you're going to sleep tonight?" I asked
"Well, I talked to Evangeline when I was getting ready. She said that you guys had a spear bed in the attic that I could stay in." She said. I glanced down and murmured a quiet 'oh'.

Simon looked a bit disappointed when I told him I'd be staying in the attic, but why?
"I don't know why," I continued "but I've always wanted to live in an attic."
"Really? I guess I can see why they're pretty peaceful and open." He responded. We continued up the stairs to their room so I could wish them all a good night. Chrissy was first to act when I entered. She jumped into my arms and wrapped me in a tight hug.
"Are you going to be sleeping in here tonight?" She asked, innocently,
"No sweetheart, I'm staying in the attic." She pouted at me and I couldn't say no to her little face "Ok ok, how about I stay till you fall asleep. And if you wake up you can come and get me, ok?" This seemed to make her happy as her hug grew impossible tighter.
"I'd love that Y/N/N!!" She yelled, smiling like a child on Christmas.

I sat in a chair next to Chrissy's bed and waited for her to fall asleep.
"Could you sing to me Y/N/N?" She asked
"It has been a while so sure," I chuckled
"There goes my heart beating, 'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep, please come back now,
There goes my mind racing and you are the reason that I'm still breathing,
I'm hopeless now,
I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken, Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason,
There goes my hands shaking and you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now, oh
If I could turn back the clock, I'd make sure the light defeated the dark,
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe..." I sang and soon enough she was sleeping like a baby. I glanced around and sure enough everyone else was asleep, except Simon. Of course. I walked over to him calmly,
"Hi Y/N/N." He smirked
"Hello, Si." I greeted
"You have a great voice, by the way," I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded and said,
"Thanks." We started talking for a while about anything we could think of. School, food, life and things like that. He kept strong contact and I couldn't stop getting lost in his gorgeous brown eyes. He was leaning forward and paid close attention to every word that escaped my lips, as if trying to crack a code.
Before we knew it, it was past midnight and no matter how much I wanted to stay, I needed to sleep.
"I'd better get to bed." I whispered a little sad I needed to leave.
"Or you could stay." He responded and I looked at him confused, "I mean if Chrissy wakes up she's not going to want to go all the way up those stairs only to come back here. Now would she," Simon said slyly. I chuckled at his gesture,
"Well for Chrissy, right?" I asked
"Of course, of course." He replied, "And hey, there is room in my bed so you don't get cold." He smirked
"You sneaky-" I began to say, "Well it is a cold night, wouldn't want to get sick." I played along with his little game,
"Well," he scooted over, "We wouldn't want that would we." His smirk plastered to his face. I crawled into the warm comfort of his bed, facing him.
"Hi again," I breathed
" Hi Y/N/N," he said calling me my my favourite nickname, "Goodnight Y/N." I was about to reply, but was to tired to get the words out, so I cuddled him tightly before falling into a deep sleep. That night a nightmare decided to creep up on me...
Sorry for the always crappy ending, but I hope you enjoyed otherwise! Sorry I haven't been updating lately, schools being a bitch. Good day/night my dudes! 🙃🙃

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