Chapter 8: The Trick

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Awaking from my hundredth nap that day, I noticed everyone was awake and talking to Mr Brown.

"Good afternoon, Mr Brown," I tiredly said while stretching out my arms.
"Evening, Y/N. Did you have a good rest?" He replied, I smiled and nodded in return. "Good then."
"Papa! Now that we're better, can we get up, please?" Chrissy asked.

"Can we get up please?" They all said in chorus, aside from guess who? Simon. He was now sitting by the window.
"Well, now that you're all better, I don't have any problem with that." He replied after a moment, amazed at the fact they said please. I didn't even notice Evangeline in the corner scanning the room, shocked at the children's words.

After a moment Chrissy asked if Mr Brown would read to them, only to be responded with an excuse. I understand he has work to do, so did mine, but dad made time for me. Nanny McPhee saw the hurt look in Chrissy's eyes as Mr brown left the room so she suggested,
"Evangeline, could you go see if cook could make some scrambled eggs on toast. I'm sure the children would like that now that they're feeling much better." Large smiles spread across the kids faces, including mine.
"I'll do it myself, Nanny McPhee." Evangeline kindly responded.

I decided to go sit with Simon by the window. The moon perfectly showed his features making him even more attractive.
"You didn't wake me," I whispered in his ear.
"You looked too cute, I didn't want to wake you." He responded, hugging me.
"The same thing happened to me when I couldn't sleep," I chuckled, "what happened while I was asleep?" I asked, not think I missed much, but I was curious
"Well nothing really, accepted the awful medicine she gave us," his face scrunched into a disgusted look, "It was the worst tasting thing on the planet!!" he then went into a full rant about medicine and how he goes on fine without it. He's cute when he's mad. I know it's cliché, sue me.

Time Skip:
It felt like only a few minutes had passed when it was time for us to go to bed. I really didn't want to leave, but I love sleep. I picked myself up, told everyone goodnight and walked up the creaky stairs to the attic.

Nanny McPhee was kind enough to walk me to my room, as she lived just down the hall, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something strange was going to happen tonight. Then again ever since I ran away, I found myself getting that feeling more often.
"Have a good night, Y/N," Nanny McPhee said, already walking away,
"You too, Nanny McPhee," the short conversation ended there.

I had to admit I was enjoyed staying in the attic. It had a nice feeling to it, and I had the perfect view of the forest across the road, I could almost see my old house and thankfully I couldn't. I loved it up here, I did miss the others though. It just wasn't the same without them. But I would never complain, how could I when they've given me more than I could ever ask for? Plus, compared to most I had a good life.

I got into my warm pyjamas and crawled into the soft bed. I was awake for an hour or so reading a book titled 'The Maze Runner'. Although I had just started reading about him, I'd fallen in love with the character Newt, the way he was written. He was kinder, smarter, and more level-headed and down to earth than the other characters.

I had to mentally yell at myself to put the book down, realising it was past midnight. I wasn't all that sleepy yet, but I had to try. I finally started to fall asleep, barely having the strength to keep my eyes open, when a loud rattling sound came from within the walls. My body reacted before my mind could. I sat up straight at just stared at where the sound came from. (anyone else guilty of doing this? 😅) . My mind eventually caught up with what was going on and I just shrugged it off.
Probably just a rat
I told myself.
Oh, boy was I wrong...

Not a moment passed before the sounds came again, this time I was sure it wasn't a rat. My body began trembling when a large, ugly painting began violently shaking...

Simon's POV:
"I miss her," I muttered to no one in particular.
"Then go see her, Si." Eric, who was in the bed next to mine said "Come on, I bet she misses you too!" he teased,
"Haha, very funny," I replied, "Ugh, Father would never allow it..." I said, trying to come up with any reason not to visit Y/N. I was too embarrassed.
"So???? When do you ever listen to him?" he asked, "And besides, you could always use the-"
"Shh!! The others don't know remember!" I cut him off, "And it was mothers trick," I continued. Eric looked at me, basically saying that it was a weak excuse just with his eyes. I rolled mine and turned back around.

"Si, mother made those when she was little to sneak around too, so what if you do the same?" Never in all my years would I ever have imagined Eric pushing me to secretly visit a girl.
"What if she's asleep? Or getting changed?! I don't want to see her n-"
"Stop being a wimp!" he cut me off,
"What?!" I yelled, shockingly not waking the others, "I'd like to see you sneak out to see a girl. Bet you'd feel bad at the gate and come back," I defended, feeling proud.
"You're going upstairs," His point...? I've snuck out before, he hasn't. "But I'm sure she's sleeping by now, so there's no point..." he continued. No, she wasn't. I could tell somehow.

I sat awake for a while, debating on whether or not I should go. After all the others had fallen asleep, I found my self missing y/n's presents even more, so I did what any of the others would do. I used the trick.

Your POV:
I was relieved and shocked to see the one and only, Simon, crawl from behind the old picture.
"Heya, what's up?" He casually said, as if he didn't just climb out of a wall,
"Um.... you just... I don't...." I stuttered, lost for words, "Hi... Nothing really," I finally responded,
"I know, cool isn't it?" He smirked that smirk of his, "you have the best view," he commented, approaching the window that towered over my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to be rude.
"I was bored," he shrugged, "I can go if-"
"No it's ok," I cut him off "just wasn't expecting someone to climb out a wall," I laughed.
"Yeah," he laughed too "We use it to get around all the time. My mother made them," He said sitting next to me, "Our family has owned this house forever," he continued
"I bet she was an amazing woman," I smiled
"Yeah, she was" He replied, "Her name was Tora," Simons voice began fading, as he drifted into another world of his own. He began chuckling, the moonlight twinkled in his eyes.

"Did I ever tell you about the time dad tried to fix a mini windmill?" He asked. I shook my head, wondering where this story was heading, "Mum had a small decorative windmill in our yard. A storm broke one of the blades, causing the windmill to shake violently. Dad announced that he would "take care of it" and rebalanced the windmill by snapping off the opposing blade. Watching him, Mum flat out said, 'I hope I never break a leg'," A large smile turned to a huge wave of laughter, "Eh, and after that, she came over to dad and started mocking his 'skills',"

"You got a good family here," I commented after our laughter died down,
"Used to have a good family. Now father never has time for us and all he wants is a new wife. I guaranteed that she will be awful," He frowned, quickly changing the whole mood.

"Si, look at me," I said, bringing him to my eye level, "It'll be ok. If the woman he marries is awful, he'd be doing it for a good reason, I promise," I crossed my heart, when he shot my a glance to say, 'hope you're right' and, 'Bull-crap' at the same time.

"Anyway, MOVING ON!" I announced, "How the hell does that thing work?" I asked, genuinely curious. He mumbled something under his breath, but I missed it,

"Well, you know each room has at least one picture of some dead relative," he began explaining, "Behind each one is a thick-ish piece of cardboard. Behind that are tunnels that run through the whole hose." He concluded, seeming very proud. "Only Eric and I know they exist, but he's claustrophobic. If he went through there, he'd be next on the walls."
"So I guess we're the only ones that can access it," I said, stealing his signature smirk
"Guess we are," he added, beginning to get under the covers.

His arm draped over my waist, pulling me in tight.
I had given him control again. I don't even know how we got here, but we did. I was flushed, a crimson red colour spread across my face. I could tell he knew what he was doing, and he was enjoying it.
Why did I let him do this?
How did I let him start doing this?
The questions ran through my head, somehow helping me find sleep quicker.

Simon's POV:
When I was sure she was asleep I rolled her over and pecked her check.
"Goodnight, beautiful," I smiled falling asleep.

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