Chapter 10: Help, James!

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Heya!  I'm gonna continue to swear in these chapters. There may be content that will make a few of you uncomfortable, but nothing smutty 😜😜. if you are uncomfortable about this, you can dm me or comment on this chapter.

WARNING: Swearing, uncomfortable scenarios

Simons POV:
The following day I made plans to meet with James. He and I have been friends for year's and is always better to go I him, rather than father.
"Hey, Si!" Y/n called as I was leaving the house, "Where are you off to?" she asked, coming down the stairs.
"Meeting up with my friend, James," I said, already starting to get nervous. She was wearing a cute-cropped jacket and a black skirt. Her hair was *however you style it* and beautiful, as always.
"Whelp, I'll see ya later!" she smiled. I opened my arms to ask for a hug, which she happily accepted.

Her body was warm, and I didn't want to let go. But then I realised how my body was reacting. My muscles began to tense, and I knew I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. I let her go and rushed out the door, muttering a "bye" as I ran away.

I was halfway down the track when I looked back and saw y/ns confused face. The weird feeling I had before refused to go away.

After 30 minutes of running, I got to his place. I started banging on James front door.
"Simon, chill out!" James yelled from the other side of the door.
"Sorry," I said when the door opened.
"It's ok," he laughed. "So, there's a girl," he said, tilting his hip.
"Yeah, can we go to the beach? I'd rather talk there." I asked.
"Sure. Hey mum, I'm going to the beach!"
It wasn't a long walk, so we got there pretty quickly.

"Alright, spill the tea!" James said sassily.
"Well, a few days ago a girl showed up at our doorstep,"
"Oh dam," he said, eyes wide.
"Yeah, her names Y/N, and she's... she amazing." I smiled, "And I think she's finally coming out of her shell." I almost questioned.
"What the fuck does that mean?" He laughed.
"Y/N tries to be quiet, but I don't think that's who she is. I think she's slowly becoming herself-" and the conversation continued about Y/N and my crazy emotions. Sometimes it really feels like he's my therapist or something.

"Honey, sounds like she feels the same!" He exclaimed. "Introduce me to this girl!" He laughed.
"Ha, there's one more thing though..." I muttered
"Go on," he grinned.
"This is really embarrassing, thou-"
"You got hard, didn't you." He cut me off
"DUDE!" I yelled. He looked at me, knowing he was right. "How the fuck did you-"
"Simon. Simon, Simon, Simon!" He went on, "I've known you for 4 years now, I know you. It's fine, just hide it from her." He said. This calmed me a little, but it still felt odd. "I get you feel odd, but how did you think I felt when I got hard when I met Gabe."

"Very true!" We burst out laughing, and struggled to look at each other without laughing.

" You think you can come over for dinner?" I asked after the laughter died down.
"Sure! Why not?"
We eventually walked back to my place. We passed is house to tell his mum that we're having hanging out at mine.

"I'm home! James is here too!" I yelled. Y/N came running inside like she was hiding from something.
"Hey, Si! Your siblings are trying to kill me!" she said, faking being scared.
"The fuck?" James said laughing.
"Hey! I'm y/n, good to meet ya!" She smiled, hiding behind me.
"I'm James, and can I say you look fucking amazing!"
"I like you already!" Y/n laughed, moving from behind me. It was so beautiful. Every time I heard it, it made me smile.
"James is pretty fabulous, " Simon stated, and we began laughing, then y/n was hit with a water balloon.

After we ate dinner, we all went out the back to finish the water balloon fight.
Halfway through the game, James pulled me away to hide.
"Can we talk quickly?" he asked.

Simon brown x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora