Chapter 6: Trust is Fragile

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I couldn't sleep that night. The same dream always attempted to creep up on me. No one cared for me and I just had to deal with it. I thought of going back and talking to Simon, but honestly, I was scared. I didn't want to explain to him the dream I had that night, not yet anyway.

Time skip:
I lazily got out of the comfortable bed I was given and made my way downstairs. I was the only one awake, aside from Evangeline and Miss Blatherwick.
"Good morning, " I greeted "Are the others still asleep?" I asked, putting on my best good girl act, though it was kinda hard.
"Yes, they won't get up until at least 11 o'clock," Evangeline sighed, "I feel like Simon might get up if you asked him." the two laughed. I blushed at her statement and rushed to the kids room.

When I walked through the door the new Nanny, Nanny McPhee I think it was, was giving a speech about getting up and ready before breakfast.
"Good luck with that, " I snickered at the doorway. The elderly lady walked past me and whispered,
"That's the point.." what did she mean by that?

I went to talk to Simon about my leavening last night but before I could, Chrissy called for me,
"Y/N!!" She sweetly called, and who could resist her little face. I glanced back at Simon, who was still half asleep and proceeded to walk to Chrissy.
"Good morning, sunshine," I said giving her forehead a kiss, as she was piled under blankets, "how did you sleep?"
"Ok, but I'm not getting up yet!" She yelled, pulling the duvet up further.

At that moment Simon pipped in, "I don't know about you lot, but I want to stay in bed," he said lazily earning groans in agreement from the others, including Chrissy. " Sebastian, run the thermometer under the hot tap. Chrissie, chalk. Eric, crayons. Lily, pepper." He instructed
"How do you know she won't do something horrid to us?" Tora questioned. Why am I not surprised?
"I figured it out," Simon called, beginning to properly wake up, "She is a trained hypnotist. Just don't look into her eyes and we'll be fine." He said flopping back into bed as the others scrambled to their feet, following Simons orders. Soon enough Simon and I were the only ones left in the room.
'This is going to be fun,' I thought walking towards him 'here goes nothing!'
"Hey Si," I awkwardly whispered, though I didn't know why I felt so awkward.
"Hey," he plainly responded, "So, what happened with you last night?" He asked
"I was hoping you wouldn't ask that." I chuckled uncomfortably, sitting on his bed, "Well... pretty much... um, this is hard for me to say, so don't judge me, ok?" He rolled his eyes and nodded and I continued "I had a nightmare, you were there and so was my stepmother..." I trailed off thinking about it, before being brought back to reality when Simon rested his hand on my knee,
"It's ok, keep going." He said, that made me feel a bit better, but still uneasy about what I was going to say,
"Well.. oh god," I mumbled "So I was planning to run away from my stepmother, and you were waiting at a lake behind the house" he nodded, signalling that he was listening, "and when I got there, you looked at me with disgust. You told me no one loved or cared for me. That you never could care for someone like me. I tried to talk to you but you wouldn't listen." I was scared to look up at Simon, thinking that he'd be weirded out by my dream. But as I did he was sad and angry?

This boys emotions keep surprising me, I swear to god!

"How- ugh!" He sounded disgusted with me. Looking back down I felt his hand come into contact with my face, but this was different. Instead of the slaps and punches I was used to, he caressed my cheek softly, as if to say 'I'm here'
"I don't know how anyone could say that to you. You are so brave and confident. Look where you are now!" He announced, I sat in confusion, what was he getting at? He obviously saw my confusion and continued,
"What I'm saying is, that wasn't me talking. That was your nerves, I guess. But I would never speak to you like that, because it's not true!" I snuggled into his warm hand, letting the words sink in.
"Ignore what your nerves think or anyone else that says that shi-stuff!" He saved, "Understand?" He said pulling me into his lap.
"Yes, Simon." I somehow felt dominated by him... and I liked it.
"Y/n. Do you trust me and what I'm saying?" He asked.

I didn't know

So I just only nodded-slightly frowning-in response while getting pulled under the warm covers again.
Part of me was saying 'I can't take any more chances. If I do I could end up hurt even more,' But the other part of me said, 'Trust him. He's a good person and won't hurt you,' I couldn't decide so I went with something in the middle. Simon is a great person, but I need more time...
"Hey y/n," I do love the way my name rolls off his tongue though, "What happened with your step mum?"
"Not yet Si," I whispered getting saddened by the thought, "what I went through is a lot to take in. Maybe later," I said,
"As you wish," (someone please get this reference!) he smiled.

And at that moment the others rushed in with everything Simon asked for, but then they noticed where I was...
Of course, the older kids had smug looks planted on their faces, practically saying 'what happen while we were gone?!'
Then the others caught on...
"Y/ N And Simon sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then comes Simon rocking the baby carriage!!!" They sang. Loudly.
I had turned tomato red at the sight, but it soon died down when they started getting ready. Getting up to help the others get ready for our next little prank was quite difficult, as I didn't want to, and Simon didn't want me to either as he was gripping tightly on my waist, pulling me in close.

When I finally managed to escape his bone-crushing grip, I walked over to Lilly and began helping her with the chalk and spots. You may be curious as to what we were planning. It was quite simple but would keep us in bed all day.
Simple yet effective.

We were soon finished our work, and to be honest we didn't look half good. That made no sense but we need to look bad and- well you get it. I climbed in Simons bed, as I had nowhere else to lie down, crawled up next to him and half closed my eyes.
"SHES COMING!!!!" Seb came screaming down the corridor.
And 3..2...1... Action!
Hey guys! So I'm also writing a Newt x reader fan fic (if you wanna check it out) BUT because of this it might take a bit longer to upload!
Hope you liked this chapter!!
-Isis 😆😆

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