Chapter 7: Measles?

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A/N- what I imagine the attic u live in to look like ^^^ Ok ON WITH THE STORY!!!!

As Nany McPhee emerged from behind the door, everyone looked up at the roof, but in my case, I tucked my head in Simons neck. The feeling was so nice and comforting. My hand rested over his heart, I could feel it beating rapidly and I subconsciously matched our breathing pace.

Once the nanny was in the centre of the room Eric muttered,
"We can get up we're ill"
"Cold in our noses!" Chrissy called after
"We think it might be measles," Simon added,
"Got measles!" Aggie cried, all of them putting on their best sick acts.
"Nanny McPhee," I began "I don't think-" I pretended to cut myself off with a cough, luckily it worked.
"Good heavens! You children are in no place to get up. It saddens me to inform you that you must stay in bed," she finished, but something was a bit off... she sounded bored like she was sassing her annoying relative. Before she left the room, the old Nanny banged her stick on the floorboards.

The Browns and I burst into a fit of giggles, and that was when I did feel unwell. What has she done to us? My throat began itching, my head began spinning like a top. I suddenly couldn't think or see straight.
Turns out I wasn't the only one, as everyone began yelling at Simon about how he lied and not being able to get up. I couldn't make out many words, as my mind couldn't focus properly,
"Would you lot stop blaming Si, and be quite... I think I'm going to pass out..." I barely managed to get out. But at least it worked! They all agreed it was too noisy and soon began relaxing again. I buried my head further into Simons neck,
"How are you holding up?" I asked Simon, my voice becoming horse
"Crappy," he smiled "get some sleep, it'll be alright," He soothed, his voice extremely raspy and.... kinda attractive.
The words sunk in and I closed my eyes, preparing for a nightmare to sneak up on me...

Time skip to 2 hours later:
I woke up peacefully, as I had a nice dream for the first time in a while. All I was doing was sitting in a tree, in a forest, reading. That was it, and I was calmed by the thought of it.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal a sleeping Simon. He looked so... I couldn't describe it. His hair was a tangled mess and fluffy, his mouth was slightly open, causing him to drool a tiny bit. But then I noticed... There was limited room in the bed, and therefore I was almost kissing him! I attempted to shuffle away, without him noticing, but he held onto my waist tightly.
'What would say if he woke up?!' I thought.

After a moment on panicking, I shut my eyes thinking that I could get some more sleep to get my mind off him.
"Hey..." that was Simons voice, I'd know it anywhere, "I know your awake, no use in faking," he whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes to reveal his always gleaming smirk, and now open eyes. "Hey, Y/N." His words came out raspy, it made me feel someway, but I'd couldn't tell whether it was a good feeling or a bad one.
"How'd you sleep, Si?" I asked,
"Great, one of the best sleeps I've ever had, in fact," he smiled, "I think it was because I have a beautiful girl to cuddle into." I was shocked at his words and was blushing madly, "But how about you?"
"I-I It was... I me-a-an" I stuttered. What was happening to me?! "Great, I use to never any sleep." I eventually got out,
"Well, now you can. Sleep I mean," I smiled at the thought that I was now free to get little things like sleep now!
Simons POV:
Y/n was awake, I could tell. She was in a panic, but why? She began pushing in my chest.
Is she ok? What happened?!
Her resistance stopped and she went back to snuggling me. I slightly opened my eyes and realised why she was panicking. Our faces were less than 2 centimetres apart... and so were our lips. Makes sense now...
Be clever Simon.
Be clever Simon.
I chanted in my head. I was going to take advantage of this and... Have a little like with her.
She's going to turn red as a tomato,
Y/n POV:
Soon enough all the kids were awake and chatting, "I'm starving!" Seb called
"You always are!" I replied, causing everyone to giggle. And with that cook came in through the door with some kind of stew. It didn't look appetising, but I learnt to always be appreciative, as I wasn't always fed at my stepmother's house.

"Right, love's. Nothing like a good turkey neck!" Cook announced,
"Turkey neck?!" Lily repeated
"This should put the 'airs back on your chest!" She continued as if she didn't hear her. Oh well. At least it's something... right?
She wandered around the room for a bit, making sure everyone had something to eat before leaving
"They are starving us." Lily said, "I wonder how long it'll take for us all to die," she frowned.

"This sucks." Simon plainly said,
"What? The food? Or being sick?" I asked, my voice still slightly hurting.
"The foooooodddddddd!" He whined like a little kid, making me chuckle. "This is not funny." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked even more like a 5-year-old now. This only made me laugh harder,
"You're a gift, Si," He smiled at my goofy-grin before giggling with me. Hands down, this was the best thing that's happened all day.

"I don't really mind being sick," he said quickly changing the topic.
"Oh yeah. Why's that?" I asked, prepared for a... interesting response. You can never know with this boy.
"Because I always have company. But now I've got you," he flashed his signature smirk. I almost gave him the reaction he wanted, almost. Instead, I responded,
"I'm happy to have you here with me too," this left him shocked but pleased at the same time. He knew I was catching on with this game of his.

About 30 minutes go by, Simon was now asleep and I was the only one awake. I thought of sitting by the window, but I couldn't move, Simons grip was too strong. I thought of waking Simon but I didn't want to disturb him. So I sat with my thoughts for awhile, finding some comfort in the silence surrounding me. This was good. What Simon and his family had was good. I eventually found my way to dreamland and didn't wake until Mr brown got home hours later.
Ok so! Some of this logic prob makes no sense AT ALL!!!
P.s IM SO FREAKING HAPPY FOR NO REASON!!!! Hope y'all are 2!!!!!😄😄😄
Au Revoir
Isis 😊😊

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