Capter 5: The Nightmare

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The once light sky grew darker by the hour. Each passing moment was just another agonising second awaiting the freedom I craved. Then the clock struck dawn, the loud sounds of the old bell tower rang through the small city.

I shot up chucking the duvet off me and racing to the arranged meeting place. It was long before I reached the door leading away from this house and the witch that lived there. But then I saw her. That tall, lean silhouette could not be mistaken. She stood in the kitchen doorway, almost mocking me

"And where do you think you're going?" she asked, a teasing tone to her voice, "Isn't it nice how one simple word or action can go horribly wrong?" she chuckled before letting me answer. At that moment all I could think of was Simon. His chocolate eyes, his brown hair, his constant gleaming smirk. Just him.
'Now or never' I thought. My head and body snapped to the left as me feet carried me to the front door. I could hear my stepmother cursing me from behind. 'For him.' The words ran through my mind as I exited the building and hid in the bushes.

The middle-aged woman stomped out the building not a minute later, still cursing and screaming out for me. I watched as she ran down the rocky track, thinking I was headed for the market place. 'Not long now.' I pick myself up off the dirt ground and made my way around the back on the old building.

There he was. Sitting silently by the lake, waiting patiently for me to arrive. When I came into his view he looked at me with... disgust?
That all that his eyes showed, what had I done? What's happened to him?

"Y/N." He started, but no emotion was put into it,
"Hey Si. Are you ready to go?" I asked attempting to make conversation. He snickered for a short while,
"Well, I guess you think I'm going to save you from the little hell your living. Don't you? You think I'm your prince charming, right?" he laughed
"I don't need a hero, but thought you-ou maybe-be cared... for me, " I said feeling stupid for thinking such a thing with the way he was speaking.
"Cared for you?! Of all people you?!" he laughed himself into stitches "I never!" I didn't know words could hurt somebody so much up until that moment,
"I trusted you! I cared for you! I thought you were my friend!" I screamed at him
"And who's fault is that now? I didn't tell you to trust me. No one could ever love you, not really." he spat - venom in his words. I felt my heart ache with pain. He didn't care for me. He didn't care for me.
"You don't care for me. You don't care for me. You don't care for me-"

Simons POV (in the real world):

"You don't care for me. You don't care for me. You don't care for me-" Y/N murmured. She was quiet enough so only I could hear, but the words were laced with pain. Who doesn't care about her? And why?

I held her close to me, hoping she will better. It did nothing. She began uncontrollably shaking. What else could I do? There must be something?!?! I rapidly shook her in an attempt to wake her.

After a few minutes, her eyes snapped open to reveal sheer terror. What had happened? 
"Hey, it's alright I'm here now. You're safe, I promise." I whispered in her ear. Not a moment past before she whispered,
"I'm going to the attic, goodnight Simon." Before exiting the room. 'What have I done? Is she alright?'
I heard her footsteps march up the stairs, a faint cry could be heard, but somewhere in between you could hear,
"Trust..... not anyone...... me" none of which made sense.

That night I went to sleep with the thought of Y/N on my mind. It had only been a day, but I already felt a strong bond with her.


Happy 30th birthday to Thomas Sangster!!!❤️❤️ It's hard to believe with his baby face lmao
Sorry for the short crappy chapter, I just wanted to get it out so I could start working on the next one
Stay safe!

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