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Hey guys! I know a lot of you hate these and don't read them, but for those of you that do, hi!
You might notice I've taken some chapters down, but I've done that just to get some more writing in and to make them better.
I just uploaded an edited version that will go in a slightly different direction (hope that makes sense)
It'd have a similar story line, just re-written, like most x readers 😝
Sorry if it takes a loooonnnnggggggg time to upload , I'll do my best. Plus I'm preparing a Newt X reader.
I'm open to any suggestions you guys have!
There's not much more to be said, hope school holidays are great and stay safe,
Love you all 💗
Cheers, Isis

Simon brown x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang