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I get it now

Stop trying to become yourself

If you are yourself why would you need to become yourself?

As in there is no new you or old you there is just you

Like a caterpillar does not choose to become a butterfly they just become one

If you're you there's no need to strive to create the person you are cause you're already you

Accepting yourself and everything about yourself including your insecurities makes you who you are

So stop draining yourself trying to strive to be the person you're creating and just be

Cause if you're meant to be this person you're trying so hard to create you'll just automatically be them instead of having to try so hard

So what I'm saying is just be who you are

If you are passionate about something there'd be no need to prove yourself because you not doing it to show people how good you are but you're doing it cause it's something you enjoy and that joy that's what makes you, you, that's how you know

I'm not saying don't work hard or don't try to become better but I am saying don't drain yourself in this quest to be or find yourself

If it's meant to be it will happen and you'll evolve naturally instead of forcing yourself to become what you striving for

I don't know if that makes any sense?

I know it's not a poem but I think I should put it here

I hope this helps whoever is reading this if you get what I'm trying to say?

Anyway... they're just words I'm off...

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