Chapter 2

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Rose's POV

I didn't sleep well. I constantly dreaded about the day that I'd see them married. I got up from my cold bed and sat facing the dresser. I studied the woman I saw on the mirror before me. She was tall, fairer than anyone she's ever seen and her hair was long, black and silky; confined to a single braid falling down her back, her startling blue eyes stared back at me; confused and in an agony that was almost hard to imagine.

Vivian was nothing like me. We share the same blood and title but that's just about all. I don't even have the eyes my whole family including her were famous for; a dark blue, like sapphires. Mine was like the sea at its finest blue and it's darkest grays. They were all blonde too. It sometimes made me wonder if Lady Genevieve Winter was my mother at all. Maybe I was Lord Robert Winter's result from one of his hushed visits to the pleasure house. It's not uncommon for lords to fail on their role as husbands once or twice if not all the time. Nevertheless, they both loved me like they loved all their children and there has been no case or evident that Robert whored around. He was a man of honor that lived with a book of rules embedded into his mind.

I heard a soft knock on my door and stood up, grabbing a random brush, ready to throw it if necessary. Who would knock my door at this hour? The door opened and I saw Ned peek his head in and crack a smile once his eyes landed on my choice of a weapon,"Death by hair brush sister? That's a new gruesome way to murder someone. Even for you"

"You startled me is all", I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Sorry Rose. It wasn't my intention to scare you", Ned entered, closing the heavy oak doors behind him,"Okay, maybe a little"

"Now that you did, is there any other reason as to why you're in here Ned?"

He walks over to me and tenderly offers his hand. I look at him warily before placing the brush back on the dresser and placing my hand on his. He looks at me, his eyes curious,"I heard what Tristan said to you. About what his intentions are towards Vivian"

I pull my hand back,"I think it's best you leave Ned"

"Rose, don't be like that. I only came here to ask how you're doing", he grabs my shoulders and pushes me towards and onto the bed,"Tell your big brother if you want Tristan dead. Or harmed. He could do with a few of his toes gone"

He bends onto his knees in front of me; his eyes hunting answers from mine,"Tell me Rose"

I push him away,"You shan't mess a single hair on his head Ned. Or his toes. I don't want him dead or harmed. He's just an oblivious man. I won't blame him for it. I blame Vivian. We both know she wants him for reasons not related to love"

"But you forget she's my sister too. I can't harm her though in certain times I really do think a noose around her neck would be a very pretty sight", he grinned, his eyes twinkling. Lines of worry aged his cheek when he smiled. I placed my hand against his cheek and felt him leave onto it.

"She does love her jewelry", I agreed with a smile.

Ned gets up from his position, letting my hand fall back to my side,"The offer for Tristan still stands though if you ever change your mind. He's a fine knight. Perhaps one of the best we've got. But I trained him before he could train others. I can easily find a replacement for him. He's dispensable. Father won't even notice"

"You forget Vivian"

He ponders on this for a few seconds before shaking his head. His gold curls fell down and covered his eyes, making him look even more so mischievous,"She won't really miss him either"

"I suppose you are right", I smile and lay down on my bed, placing both hands under my cheek,"Nevertheless, don't hurt him. I'm going to sleep now Ned. I'll talk to you in the morning"

He nods with a smile and leaves my room, making sure the door was closed firmly behind him. I hear his heavy footsteps begin to recede and I relaxed a little. Puffs of cold air escaped my lips as I breathed out. I stared at it, fascinated and before I knew it, I had fallen deep into a trance and into a dream I'd most likely never remember.

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