Chapter 10

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Jame's POV

Something doesn't feel right. It's been a few hours since we've left but I feel that as if we've been watched every step of the way.

Had Robert sent someone to watch over his son? I'm aware that he was crown prince and the only boy in the family but to send someone to look after a person who've I've heard is a master swordsman was unheard of.

To make matters worse, I have the sinking feeling that Tristan knows something about it.

His constant looks over his shoulder is what clarified my assumption that we were being followed.

"Stop", I command as I pull the reins of my horse; a pure-bred white stallion named Lena from Lord Robert.

The two men beside me held in their reins as well.

"We're being followed", I conclude.

"What?", Ned prompts his horse to go near mine,"followed?"

"If none of you know who it is, I'd presume him an enemy and kill him on sight", I look over to Tristan who was staring at me with an empty face,"Tristan, what do you know of it?"

"My lord?", he asks me; faked confusion drawn all over his tired eyes.

I heard a rustling and turned my head towards the source of it. A tall cluster of bush had just been shook; scaring a squirrel straight out of it and onto a neighboring tree.

I don't look at Tristan as I get down,"Well Tristan since you don't know who it is, I'm just going to find out for myself and drive a sword across his throat"

Just when I was close to the bushes, I heard Tristan advice,"I wouldn't do that if I were you Sire"

I wanted to laugh as I pushed back the bush,"Why? Do you think the bush can kill-"

I was thrown onto the ground; my head hitting and rustling the sand. A small foot placed on my chest and a dagger pointed at my throat.

"Don't move", Rosaline ordered.

"Lady Rosaline?", I was confused,"Why are you here? And would you mind releasing me? The ground is awfully uncomfortable"

She didn't hear any of it.

"Rosaline Winter What on earth are you doing out here?"

Turns out that she only heard her brother's call. She sheathed the dagger and raised her foot,"Ned, I'm sorry. I just had to come"

"For what?", he questions again,"We have to take you back"

I finally dust off the sand on my pant and hair before getting myself upright,"That's impossible. It's a waste of time and we've got a good head start. We've made good pace since then"

Ned turned to Tristan and spoke to him in a rather silent yet deadly tone,"Tristan you knew about this didn't you? Why didn't you tell me anything? Don't you realize the danger she's put herself into? And us?"

"Ned, I can defend myself", Rosaline walks over to her brother, holding his arm as it seemed to be shaking.

He ignored her feeble attempts at capturing his attention.

Because his attention was solely on Tristan,"You knew and you didn't tell us. You knew and you didn't stop her"

"I tried to stop her!", Tristan finally answered; getting down from his horse,"Rose just wouldn't hear of it"

"You're supposed to be a knight of honor! How dare you lie about your princess?", Ned was now trying to push away his sister and reach for his sword.

"He did brother! He tried in ever way known to man", she pleads,"I was the one who didn't listen"

He now looked at her,"Why?"

"I want to prove myself Ned. I'm more than someone made to be in a dress and sit in a chair all day commenting about the weather", she answers.

She instantly earned my respect in that moment. She looked fierce and I found it difficult to keep my eyes off of her. I don't fancy women. I don't fall in love. Not at all.

But if I were to, it would probably be due to a woman somewhat familiar as to how Rosaline is now.

As a woman with large breasts is considered attractive to normal men, for me a woman who is strong-willed and who knew to defend herself was more to my liking.

She fell me down not a few moments ago. That should never have happened.

Ned seems to give up as his tone turned more calmer yet helpless,"You'll stay at the next safest village till I come get you"

"I would do no such thing", she says firmly,"I'm coming with you"

"Would there be any point in me arguing?", he asks her.

She shakes her head.

"Then get Storm and ride with us. I'm sure he's behind that bush", he lets out a sigh.


She whistles and a huge black beauty stalked out from behind the bush and strode to her in a graceful manner.

"A magnificent steed", I commented as she mounted Storm.

She looked at me. She didn't answer me nor say thanks. She just looked back at her brother,"So let's get a move along"

I noticed how she didn't spare a glance towards Tristan's way.

I can safely assume that the two had some sort of a history together. It might not have been a pleasant one. But something he had done probably in the recent hours seems to have affected her.

Were they lovers?

"James, we should reach Arlenghe Forest by nightfall if we keep up unless you'd like to stop somewhere between and enter the forest fresh after a night's sleep. It's getting dark and that might hinder our navigation", Ned suggests at a point during our journey since Rose joined.

"I say a good night's sleep won't harm anyone. It would do some good", I answer,"I'll take first watch"

I looked at Rosaline who though was staying on her saddle, looked as tired as anyone could get.

She was trying so hard. Though she doesn't acknowledge me much which I find rather surprising as most women find me charming, I like to think that she'd like me more or hate me less if I chose to sleep.

"Very well then, let's stop in another hour", Ned says and turns his attention back toward the trail and the map in his hands.

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