Chapter 6

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James's POV

This was ridiculous. That boy, Ned, was watching me with an eagle's View. I wasn't planning to escape. I just wanted to bathe with privacy.

"May I bathe without you watching? I may be covered in dirt but I still have my pride as a man", I ask him.

He looked at me.

"I'm not going to run away. Why would I come here otherwise?", I ask him again.

"You could be a spy; a Red Soldier in disguise. Why should I trust you?", he asked me.

"You shouldn't", I answered,"But I promise you that I'm not an enemy to the people of the North. I'm not a Red Soldier. Never have and never will be. I just want to bathe in peace"

I see him contemplate on what's been said. I see him working out the possible escape routes behind his eyes. Concluding it was safe, he turned around so that his back faced me,"Fine. You have 10 minutes"

"10 minutes is all I need"

I quickly threw the bucket into the well; hearing the blissful splash as it hit the water. I pulled at the rope connecting it and brought it to the surface.

I didn't wait a second more to raise it over my head and let the cold water fall over my body.

I scrubbed myself with the sponge that the boy had given me. It felt good to get rid of the dirt. Even if I've fought in many battles, I was still fed with a golden spoon since being born. To look like this for days on repeat, disgusted me.

A short while later, I was done. I put on the clothes that was left aside for me. It was drab clothing; a shirt the same shade of mud that I was not long ago covered with and a loose black pant.

"Do they fit alright?", the boy -Ned- asked,"They were all I had closest to your size"

So these were his? Well, they were tight in areas I dared not mention and the shirt was still inches shorter than what I'm accustomed to. A bare line of skin could be seen between it and the pants.

"They'll do fine for now", I lie smoothly. I didn't want to offend the Knight. He was the one with the sword in this situation. He was also the Crown prince, if I've assumed right. He had the upper hand to kill me where I stood were he wished it.

"Can I turn around now?", he asks and I nod my head once.

Realizing he couldn't see me, I spoke hastily,"I'm done"

He turned around and studied how I looked a few more seconds than necessary. His eyes rested on my face,"Have I seen you before? You look familiar"

"All will come to the light. Take me to your father. I'm sure he'll recognize me", I reply.

"Why can't you just tell me now?"

"It wouldn't be fun otherwise", I smile.

He ignored my last comment and nudged me to follow him. He led me up the same streets he led me down not long before and soon reached the doors that I not long ago left.

He pushes the door open with no effort and I couldn't fail to admire his strength. Upon further studying; I can see these were heavy oak doors with the weight of added decorations of various stones; not precious ones, but beautiful shades of marble and granite. Shades of snow, ash and night. The colors of the North.

The crowd had dispersed. Barely anyone was left. With my hair combed back, I could finally see everyone properly.

One girl caught my eye.

And it seems like as if I've caught hers. She looked like she was contemplating whether I looked better hanged or drowned. Her eyes were murderous.

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