Chapter 3

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Tristan's POV

"I don't get why she's so against the thought of me and Vivian", I banter.

"Then you're a bigger fool that I'd thought", Ned looks at me from where he was seated; right beside the throne on the seat made for the crown prince. The courtroom was empty at the moment if not for him and I.

I chose to ignore his comment.

"Say, you're her Brother. You should know as to why she's like this", I concluded.

"I do", he replied, his voice curt,"But if we were being honest here, everyone does. I personally offered to be your executioner but she asked me not to"

"Executioner? I was under the impression we were brothers in arms?"

"You're right. We were. Up to the point where you hurt her", he gets up, his suit of armor glinted from the little light that came through the frosted glass behind him and the throne. I turned to face him, my spine upright and my feet tethered to the cool stone floor as if gravity himself held me there with a personal grudge.

He was not talking to me like a fellow knight. He was talking like the man about to be king. The man who could easily ensure my death were he wished it.

But I'd never do what he accused me of. Hurt Rose? Never. Before I could reply, a voice breaks the silence. A voice that had the potential to be the actual reason for Rose's pain. A pain I couldn't quite yet understand but a pain I wished for nonetheless.

"Did I intrude on something my knights?", Vivian entered, her handmaiden trailing behind her. Her blonde hair was put up into the elegant single braid that the maidens of the North usually wore.

"You always do", Ned grumbles before storming out of court.

Vivian turns her gaze to me, her eyes peeled,"What did I do wrong now?"

"Nothing my love", I reassure her as I walk up to her and greet her with my arms. I raise her delicate hand to my lips and kiss them softly.

"You spoil me with your love Tristan", she whispers,"more than I deserve"

The next string of events happened before I could think it through. As if on impulse, I had gotten down on one knee with my right hand held up for hers,"I swear Vivian. As a knight of the North, you may take my word. Would my lady bestow me the honor of becoming my wife?"

She assessed me with her eyes. Her attention peeled away from my face and onto my outstretched hand. With a confused look upon her face, she accepted my hand and nudged me to stand. When I stood, I waited for her answer; aware of how uncomfortable her handmaiden was.

"Is this what you want?", Vivian finally asked.

"It is"

She slowly takes her hand away,"Then it is not something I can give"

My feet began to tremble as I took in her words,"May I ask why as to why I'm being faced with a rejection such as this? We've been togethor for many moons now. Many times has the sun rose and fell since we first embraced. If this is about Rose you need not fret. I'm sure she and Ned will  see it in their hearts to bless us"

This time, she trembled,"Ned? Does he not support us as well? I wasn't aware of that. He treats you fondly and as for myself... well, he treats me okay"

"He treats me as a brother by sword. He treats Rose as a sister of blood. He loves her. And it pains me to tell you this, but I suspect his love for her surpasses his love for you", I reply.

"Im very aware of that Tristan. I'm very aware of how much he loves our little sister than you are. It expands over oceans and stumbles over mountains. He loves her more than just a sister", Vivian mutters between hushed breaths,"Which should mean that he would be rather supportive of us. I've underestimated his love for her if he's willing to be in pain in order to see her happy"

The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"You don't mean he loves her? The way a man and a woman with no blood connecting them may love each other?", I exclaimed.

Why does that upset me more than it should disgust me?

"Are you suggesting incest?", I ask again.

"Don't be disgusted. The kings and Queens before us used to be siblings. They fucked each other just to keep the bloodline pure", she stops, realizing her handmaiden was still standing quietly behind her.

"You're still here? Leave us be", she orders without looking at her.

Before the handmaiden could leave, I grabbed her by the wrist,"If you utter a single word of what was spoken, know that I'd have your tongue cut"

She nodded and scurried off, picking her dress up so as to lengthen her strides and leave quickly.

"You didn't have to. She won't tell a soul. She is loyal to me. And anyway, let the whole world know for all we care", Vivian mutters.

"Your sister doesn't need the reputation. It's not her fault and she had no part in making her brother feel that way", I defend Rose, on impulse.

"Except by standing, sitting, speaking and breathing", she leans against a supporting pillar,"Tell me Tristan. I know now you didn't show any signs of disgust but doesn't it disgust you? Though it was a common practice, it still revolts me"

I smile,"Like you never answered my question before, with all do respect, I shan't answer yours my Lady"

"I am the daughter of your Lord and your love Tristan", she stands up straight, offended.

"And I am just a knight, with a rejection as such as the one you gave me, I have no reason so as to talk to you or to stand by your side unless to hold up my sword and protect you as the knights of the North have sworn to. I'll protect you as you are part of the great family I serve. But as for being my lover, we are no more", I bow, making it a point so as to adjust my sword belt before closing the doors behind me

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