Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

"My lady, if you would please choose which dress you'd like to wear, this whole process would be done faster", Reina pleads.

I dared not look at them; afraid I'd go blind by the flattering colors. I pointed at one without looking,"This one"

"A fine choice"

I turn around to inspect the attire fate had chosen for me. I smile. It was better once compared with the rest.

Since James come from the North, we were requested to make him feel comfortable and change into an attire with colors not of the North but of the South. Reina was one of the village girls I knew; she was forced upon me to assist in my dressing for the night.

She was a friend and I hated to see her serve me like this but if I mentioned it, I'm sure it would just hurt her. She's already told me not to remind her of her level when she's with me; for if she remembered, she was afraid she might not be able to speak freely to me.

The south's colpita were hues of Orange, yellow with the occasional green. The dress I had chosen was a dark emerald green. It was plain if not for the intricate gold patterns adorning the sleeves and the ends of the dress.

"This is perfect", I tell her.

It pleased me when she smiled,"Finally. We're getting somewhere. Now I am to help you put it on. My lady, if you would please remove what you have now. I'll help you"

She reached out her hand and with expert fingers, undid the strings in the back of my black dress. I complied; only moving when I was asked to. Soon, I was bare for all the vultures to see if they were in the room with me.

But it was just me and Reina. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"You have a beautiful body Rose. You are tall, fair and with the most perfect breasts that would put the whole whorehouse to shame", Reina laughed as she helped me put on the Emerald dress.

I'm glad she was back to her old self with me but what she said disturbed me even more than it should,"If not for the breasts, I'd be a man"

"Don't be silly. Just because you're taller, stronger and braver than the rest of the girls here, it doesn't mean you're a man", she muttered as she tightened the strings holding the silk cloth together.

"You're all done", she finally exclaims,"I would have done your hair Rose but you're late as it is. You might as well just leave it down"

"Let me put it in a braid Reina", I suggest. I had just begun to raise my hands to braid it when my wrist was yanked away; not rudely but firmly.

"Let it be my Lady. Your hair is so unique here. It's beautiful. Let it be", she pleads,"It makes you look more humble as well"

I let my hands fall to my side,"Humble?"

"It's best you seem humble and ladylike to the Prince. I'm sure you understand as he is an ally and would probably judge your kingdom by your actions", Reina explains softly; unsure whether what she had said would earn her respect or a punishment.

I soften my voice,"You need not be afraid. I value your counsel. I'll let it down"

This seemed to make her happier as she raised her lips into a grin I'd never seen her wear before,"I fear the Prince won't be able to keep his eyes off of you tonight"

I head towards the door, ignoring her comment,"I'm late like you said. Let's not prolong my entry by talking about unnecessary topics"

I could hear her laughing to herself once I had shut the door behind me. I don't know how girls had the time to worry about men. I've never worried about Tristan or spoke about him like that. I kept my thoughts to myself and didn't overthink his decisions.

That's how I believe all the ladies should be.

The sounds of laughter and the clanking of glasses became clearer as I dawned closer to the banquet hall.

I took a deep breath before entering.

I noticed him immediately.

It seemed as if someone had groomed him more last I saw him. His hair was cut, his face was shaved of the little hair he had and he was clad in a proper white shirt and leather pants.

He hadn't noticed my arrival yet. In fact, none of them did. It was when I had gone to sit by my brother that everyone noticed me.

"Rose my darling, you look extravagant", my mother commented from beside Ned.

"Why little sister. I don't recognize you. It's always that black dress or the infamous leather pants that no proper lady should wear", Ned jokes.

"Quite right. A lady should never wear pants. It's a nice change my darling", my mother agrees.

I choose not to answer them. I look around and see Prince James sitting before me. He was looking at me with a face I couldn't interpret.

He almost looked like he was trying to solve a riddle. A riddle he knew the answer to but couldn't quite remember it.

I still remember how he refused to accept the match before. He didn't gain my respect as much as he gained Ned's.

"Someone seems to have knocked some sense into her", Vivian comments; it was then that I realized she was sitting next to James silently if not for now,"She finally looks like a woman"

She being Vivian had chosen to wear the most flattering of the colors; shades of sunset orange. She looked beautiful. It was then that I was reminded of Tristan.

I looked around the hall and found him sitting in the farthest table. He seemed not to have acknowledged me. He was busy talking to another knight.

My heart seemed to drop as I assessed at his ignorance. Did he surely not notice me? Or did he? Did he not approve of what I wore?

I shouldn't ponder on this longer than necessary. It was just going to guarantee me heartache.

"Did you find who you were looking for my lady?"

James has spoken so low so as that I was the only one to hear. I looked at him in confusion.

"You were looking for someone. I noticed how your gaze changed attention as quickly as a bird flapped it's wings. It never stood in one place so I can safely assume that you were looking for someone", then he craved his neck so as to glance behind him,"Judging by how your gaze lingered longest facing the left end of the room, I'm assuming who you're looking for is there"

Without thinking, I answered,"Then you can also conclude that it is none of your business as to who I sought after right now"

If any of my family heard this; they'd have my tongue. To disrespect an ally such as the South would be Treason for anyone of the North. Me being a princess won't stop me from getting a punishment.

But it seems as though James didn't mind what I say,"I know it isn't my business. But I was generally curious"

Before I could argue, the Citadel bell rang. It rang once. Twice. And then finally after years, the North heard its third ring.

The ring that signaled that the North was being attacked.

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