Chapter 11

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Tristan's POV

What could I say to her?

She was sitting right next to me near the fire James had set up with dried twigs and leaves; a trick he said that every traveler should know and that he would teach me it in time.

She was poking at the fire with an even larger stick. Ned had gone off to find more firewood and James to hunt, leaving me and Rose alone.

"That kiss", she speaks first which took me by surprise,"Did you do it just to try to make me stay?"

I didn't realize that she would speak about that first. It was a strong topic to start for someone who didn't know how to start any conversation with her in the first place.

Did I do it to make her stay?

I won't lie. I had enjoyed that kiss while it lasted. When Vivian was in my arms, I realize now that I felt practically nothing but just delight that I was holding a girl. A princess nonetheless. I had convinced myself that I had loved her soon afterwards.

But with Rose, it was different. I wouldn't think it would have but it was. Yes, I kissed her to make her stay but I kept kissing her because I liked it.

"Yes. I thought you'd listen to me", I answer her.

I see her throw the stick aside and then see her begin to stand up,"I'm going to see Storm"

"But I liked it"

She turned around immediately,"What?"

"I liked that kiss we shared", I got up myself,"I didn't think I would but then again, I did"

She just looked at me. It seemed that time had frozen. She wasn't moving except for the rising of her chest that was the indication of her breathing.

Before I knew it, I walked up to her and pulled her by the waist closer to me, planting my lips back on hers.

Nothing stopped me then. I pulled her in as close as I could; holding her with both arms. I feel her raise her hand to tug at my hair, reeling me in and deepening the kiss.

It was almost a regret that we had to stop because we both were running out of air. She was still in my arms when she asked,"And what was that for?"

She was looking me straight into the eyes. I couldn't lie to her even if I wanted to. Even if it could save her.

"I don't know Rose. I ... just wanted to do it again", I answer honestly,"I've always seen you as my closest friend and ally but after the kiss we first shared I've been having these thoughts"

"What thoughts?", she asks.

"That I loved the wrong woman all the time that I was with her", I answer.

I hear her breath hitch when she closed the distance between us once again, mixing our breaths. Making us one as a whole.

It was when we heard voices approaching that we let go of each other. She had pushed me away but the distance couldn't change the fact that her face was flustered, her hair was messed up and her cheeks were showing the telltale signs of bushing.

"That's a nice shot you placed there", I heard Ned say,"You are as skilled with a bow as you are with a sword"

"And I've never heard any story about you being such a strong man. You're carrying twice as much as I suspect I could", James laughter begins to etch closer.

I look at Rose but she had already taken her seat again, poking the fire.

I sat down as well.

"You're being too Kind. The deer you're carrying weights not twice but thrice more than what I carry now", Ned admits,"Im strong but I'm afraid I can't accept the compliment as I'm not stronger than you"

They were now bordering our visions and got closer with every stride.

"Why is it so quiet? I thought you both were the best of friends", Ned jokes when he sits down next to Rose, dumping the kindling next to his feet.

"Ah now I know how Tristan knew about you trying to sneak up and follow us", James laughs,"he suspected you because he probably knew you well"

Rose didn't reply but just quickly nodded her head.

My lips tugged into a smile. I've never seen Rose caught so off-guard before. It was one of those rare vulnerable moments she had and I found it rather cute.

I wanted to hold and protect her right now but knew better. She pushed me away because she didn't want the others to know. I'll respect and heed to her decision. When she's ready, she'll
tell them as I know she would.

But till then, I'll have to mind my patience.

"Lady Rose I don't mean to offend you but being a woman I assume you probably would know a better way to cook this deer than if I were to", James asks,"Do you?"

Rose raises her gaze and meets his eyes,"I'm a little offended. I shouldn't know how to cook just because I'm a woman"

"Again, I'm sorry"

"Nevertheless. This lady considers eating more a hobby than a necessity", she gets up to go over and inspect the Deer,"So you must be blessed. Find me a few herbs and I'll make a fine stew of it and steam the remaining for the rest of the journey. If you have a spare container, you should collect the grease when we burn it. It could give us energy when we need it the most"

"I'm starting to think it wasn't a mistaken but that it was fate that brought you here with us Rose", James smiles.

I feel my fists tighten at my sides. I already had to worry about Ned but do I have to make space to worry about James as well?

This woman is supposed to be undesirable with such a personality as hers but all she does is attract all the tough people.

People that were she to choose, I would provide no competition for.

But then again, it was my mistake for wasting most of my youth with the wrong woman. Were she to find a better man, I won't argue.

I'll gladly let her go.

I hope.

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