Chapter 5

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Rose's POV

I didn't understand so as to why Tristan was so cold towards Ned who was equally treating him with the same hostility.

I've known them to get along but ever since that day in the stables a few moons ago, Tristan became distant to everyone but me. I've watched as his training sessions began to take a harder toll on the soldiers under him. He was exhausting them to the invisible limit, barely giving them a few hours of sleep before reaping them of their energy yet again.

He was becoming as ruthless and as cold as the harsh winter conditions the North is constantly forced to co-exist with.

I dreaded the following days to come.

Before I could change my mind, I went to my sister's door and knocked. As much as it may pain me, I'm sure that she would be the only antidote to whatever he may be going through.

"You may enter"

I open her door just by a crack, studying the surroundings before opening it a little more wider so as to slip in and pull it shut behind me.

"Sister", Vivian greets me without raising her attention from a book she seemed to be deeply entranced with.

"I wouldn't be here were it not important"

She glanced up at me, studied my expression and finally closed that book, letting it fall from her hands and onto the bed she was seated on.

"Pray tell me, what is so important that it made even you to come to me?", she asked.

"Tristan", I reply, a little unsure,"He's been acting out of the ordinary. His actions are against his usual nature. I fear something has happened and I believe you to be the only one who can solve it"

She picked up the book and opened it to a page; were it the same she was on before, I couldn't tell and began to read.

"Vivian", I ask again,"Will you help me?"

"Fix him yourself if you think he's broken", she says, still reading that wretched book,"I don't nor neither do I want any part of it. Those days of me and Tristan are long gone"

"Do you not have any love for the man?", I plead,"Please"

She turned a page,"I have nothing for him"

Before I was able to argue, the Citadel bell rang twice; a signal to everyone of importance to come to the courtroom at once.

"We should go. It seems that Father is calling us", Vivian stands up, letting the book fall yet again.

I didn't answer her; I left the room as abrupt as I had come. Father scarcely calls for such meetings and the curiosity of as to the reason why was too great for me to continue arguing with Vivian.

Upon entering the Throne room, I notice an unusual air about the people. They were shuffling uncomfortably and speaking in hushed tones to one another. It was when I stood by my age-old father that I saw the cause.

A man was on his knees right at the middle of the room; facing the King with his head down.

His clothes were torn, his skin was shown to be caked with old dried mud and his hair grew savagely around him. I wasn't sure as to what color they were for they seemed to be drenched and stiffened with earth as well.

"Your Highness", I hear him speak. His voice was tough; a fighter,"I've been taken prisoner by the Soldiers of the Red for six moons now. I've scarcely managed to escape and I wish to ask for your hospitality. It wouldn't go unpaid"

My father answered him,"My hospitality would not be given to a man whom I don't know. Tell me your name"

I see Tristan in the corner; a squad of soldiers behind him with hands ready by their sword.

The man raised his head to greet my father and I almost gasped. His eyes were a startling black and though his face was veiled by dirt, I can easily pick out rough features; sharp cheekbones and a strong jaw. If only I could see him after he's bathed...

"You need not worry Sire. I'm a son of a friend. If you'd lead me to some precious water, I'd show you who I was for all eyes to see", he answered.

"Very well. Allow my Son, our finest Knight, escort you to the village well. You can bathe there and present yourself to me by Sunset", my father dismissed him.

The crowd was still unsettled; still restless.

Ned took his orders with no complaint and escorted the man roughly by his arm. I sought out Tristan from the crowd but he was nowhere to be found. Instead, my eyes settled on Vivian who was standing amongst the crowd; watching as the man got escorted.

"Father, have you any idea who he is?", I ask, turning my face to see him better.

His face was puzzled,"I fear I do"

"Is he a friend or foe?", I ask again.

"Neither. It's as he said. He's a son of a friend", he smiled at me,"You need not worry my child. If he is who I think he is, he might prove to be a worthy ally"

"A nobleman's son? A knight?", I ask yet again. I wasn't satisfied with the answers I've received. They just brought more questions up to the surface.

My father smiled,"Neither"

Before I could argue, he spoke yet again,"You'll see soon enough little one"

It was then that I realized that I was dismissed. Another question asked would be against his will. It won't be welcomed.

"Okay Sire", I bow before leaving the courtroom myself.

Like he said, I'd see for my own eyes soon enough as to who this mysterious stranger was.

And if he proved to be a spy, I'd slice his neck with my own sword.

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