Chapter 8

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Tristan's POV

An attack? Surely not.

My doubts were cleared when suddenly the doors to the banquet hall opened and in streamed soldiers clad in copper armor. A copper that seemed red when seen from a further distance.

The red soldiers. They were here and they were making their way to the main table.

My hands pulled my sword from its sheath and the soldiers beside me did the same.

"To defend the King!", I cried before charging the Red soldiers. 

As soon as our swords clashed, it seemed that only then did everyone understand the situation. Those not with a sword got up from their chairs and running away, pulling their loved ones behind them.

A sword hilt had penetrated my side and I staggered off-course only for another soldier to push me down.

"Tristan!", I hear someone call.

A soldier was raising his sword to deliver his final blow when he was pushed aside by a tall slim figure.

A figure not clad in any armor but just a dagger was charging into battle anyway.

"Rosaline! Get your parents and everyone into safety", I shouted as I quickly got up.

"I'm not leaving your side", she replies firmly; dodging an attack and placing one of her own. She fell two soldiers in one strike.

"Rosaline! Just go", I plead and took my battle stance just beside her so as to protect her better.

She was fully immersed into the battle that she didn't answer me. She had picked up a Red Soldier's sword from one of the defeated and had begun a dance so graceful that even I momentarily forgot who she was.


"Rose! This is the last time. Go!", I shouted and pushed her behind me towards the door that I'd presumed her parents and everyone had used to vacate.

"Come with me then", she asks, her voice pleading.

"My lady, Go!", I shouted back and charged into battle once more. I took a second to look behind and saw that she had gone.

In the heat of the battle, I felt myself ease and begin to fight with much more clarity.

There's nothing to worry now. She's safe.

If I were to die here and now atleast she would have her brother.

Her brother.

No, I would cheat death another day. I won't let her be with that foul man. I would protect her from him.

I dodged all the attacks and placed many of my own. Soldiers dropped around me; trapping me in a circle of bodies and daring anyone to cross my path.

Many of my own had already succumbed to the sleep they would never wake from. The slumber they were forced in to.

It was my turn to return the favor.

"Tristan! The battle's over"

I freeze on the spot; my hand tightly clasping my sword and aiming it at a fellow soldier.

So immersed was I that I didn't realize the battle was over. We had won. I had almost killed a friend were I not interrupted.

"They're all dead", the soldier at the end of my hilt whispered.

I brought down my sword and slid it into its sheath,"I'm sorry"

The soldier eased his stance now that his life wasn't threatened,"That's alright Sir Tristan. You were just caught by surprise as were we all"

I simply gave him a nod and that was when I remembered about Rose.

"Their majesties, where are they?", I inquire to no one in particular.

"We're right here Tristan"

I turn around to see Ned escorting Rose and Vivian from the door that I had suggested to Rose before.

"Father and Mother has retreated to their chambers. Mother was quite took by surprise. Father has gone to comfort her", he explains further.

I did my best to ignore the fact that he stood as close to Rose as the roots of the plants were to the soil of the Earth.

"And his majesty Prince James?" , i ask.

"I've never left. I've been by your side", a strong voice to my right answered. I turned to see James standing over his own sea of corpses; making mine seem like a mere drop from the ocean with an enemy's sword in his hand which he might have picked up earlier.

"You fight quite well Sir Tristan. A fine knight. Were you not so comfortable here as a knight of the North, I would love to offer you a place in our guard at the South", he complimented me with an appreciative nod.

I felt something tug at sleeve and turn to see Rose looking at me; her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes asked questions that I immediately understood.

"I'm alright Rose", I answer her.

She brought her hands to her side,"You shouldn't have pushed me away Tristan. Never again, you hear me?"

I smile at her,"Was that an order Lady Rose?"

The most mischievous of all smiles begin to tug at her lips,"My first and hopefully my last for you"

I look up for a moment and notice Vivian standing next to her brother and staring at me. Her face was void of emotions. Was she happy that I lived or did she not care at all?

"Ned if you would mind, I'd like a meeting with your father at Dawn. I fear I might have to leave straight after. My stay here is drawing too much attention. The snow here has been white for so long; I don't want to stain it red in such little time", Prince James speaks up.

He had earned his respect in my opinion. Not that I've calmed down; I can easily recall seeing his battling skills. His techniques with a sword were so fluent and so graceful that were he not human; I'd have guessed the sword was merely another arm for him.

"I think that's best. I would join you on this journey, wherever it may lead you. Were it the South or straight to the East, I'd join you. No one attacks the North like this and kills many of our own without a promise from us to return the favor", Ned answers.

"I would be honored. If your king would let me; I'd like one more companion. The Sir Tristan if you would spare him and if he is willing", Prince James asks as he slowly turns his gaze to me,"I wouldn't want to force him"

I bend down on one knee and lower my head,"It would be an honor and privilege to ride along two such great men"

"Then it's settled. I only wish to say Goodbye and thank you to your father tomorrow appropriately before leaving. He has shown me great hospitality and were it not for this uncalled attack, I would have stayed longer", Prince James replies.

Upon noticing me still on my knees, he spoke again,"Stand knight. You would bow to no one in this journey. And definitely not me"

I stood up and felt a shift in the air next to me. I notice Rose staring at James with a determined look upon her face. I knew what it meant and I didn't like it.

I would just have to make sure that only the three of us ride out at Dawn without the addition of another.

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