Chapter 4

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Tristan's POV


I'll never understand them. They demand too much of everything and everyone. I spot the knights off duty, laughing and entering different pleasure houses where girls stood at the entrance, barely wearing anything; tits peeled and bouncing in the cold. Those men must be doing something right if they're willing to pay for a woman who doesn't shiver to the cold but for them themselves. Also, I'm sure they'd warm each other up just fine in the hours to come.

I head for the stables for my oldest friend if not for Rose; Chester, my chestnut horse.

He neighs upon my approach.

"How are you old boy?", I pat his head and scratch him right under his chin and then into the back of his ears. I felt his warm body shiver with pleasure as he starts nudging his left foot on the low door depressing him from myself,"I suppose it would be impossible for you and I to just leave? Find a village girl and horse and live out the rest of our days far from here?"

"Wars have been started for less"

I turn around and see Rose atop Storm; her horse whose fur coat was the only black I've seen my whole life that matched her hair. She swung her leg over and jumped down as graceful as an elf if ever they existed. She was the only lady I saw who rode with legs on both sides instead of one.

How unladylike.

It made me smile.

"Why? Do you want to join us? I'm sure there's space for one more", I eye her as she pulled Storm by the reins into a free shed and closing the door right after removing the muzzles. She pats Storm on the head before turning her attention back to me.

She quirks her head to side and answers,"Not really"

"And why not Rose?", I asked her, curious myself, for the answer.

"I don't fancy village men but another", she answers simply,"But the buffoon is too oblivious. Even to the truth. Even if it stood right in front of him and pulled him by the collar"

I frown,"He doesn't sound like a man worthy of your love Rose"

"I wonder if you'd say that if you knew who he was", she mutters.

"Then indulge me as to who he is"

A smile creeps up her small full lips,"Oh that's easy. He's a buffoon"

"I hope you know that you're implying that the buffoon as you say, deserves your love", I smile, fully aware that she was looking at me with all sincerity.

She seemed to whisper her reply and I had to crane my winter stiffen neck to heard what she had to say.

"Just this one"

I stop smiling and stood straight before walking up to her and holding her hand. I looked into her eyes. Her eyes always intrigued me. They looked strong and troubled today,"Have I upset you my lady?"

She reeled her hand from mine and his them behind her back before looking down,"No"

I took some time to study her. She was both beautiful and handsome. Graceful and tall but violent and sharp. She had long legs that swung over a horse's back easily even in a gown while other girls suffered to raise it past their knee. She had a long face. Most girls looked terrible with long faces but not her. It just added more clarity to her features such as her soft but visible cheekbones, eyes and those natural pink lips that even the harshest winter never seemed to whiten. Her cheeks were slightly pink due to the blood flushing behind them. Rosaline was a girl that never blushed. Those who mistook her pink cheeks for the blushing of an innocent girl were mistaken.

But it still looked rather lovely against her pale skin.

And it made me wonder. How many times had Ned, her own brother fantasized about touching that skin? It made my finger itch to hold my sword and swing it at his head were it here though I made a vow to protect it. Just the thought of him near her brought my blood to a boil.

She seemed to regain her normal manner while I contemplated the best ways to go about murder. She looked up at me,"There's a fireplace behind you. Perhaps we could have that talk I promised you?"

Fireplace? Oh.

"No need my lady. There's nothing to talk about. You've got your wish. As of today, me and Vivian are of no more; hence the running away and finding a village girl", I let out a wary smile before turning my back and nudging her to the fireplace anyway,"But it's still cold and we can still talk. Just not about her"

She reaches for and grabs my hand,"What happened?"

I almost winced at how warm she was. It wasn't unpleasant. It was a rather welcome sensation during this cold but it took me by surprise.

I place my free hand over hers and gently pull her to the fire. I remove my cloak and swing it over her knowing it was unnecessary as the cold never fazed her even though she acts like it does but it felt right. It pleased me that she accepted it with no complaint.

"I asked her. I finally did. Against my better judgment and yours, I asked for her hand", I explain defeatedly,"But Alas, she said no"

She turned her attention towards the fire; raising her hand close to the flames most probably as a pretense. Something for her to do as she thought.

She stopped as suddenly as she started and looked at me,"Did she knock her head? I don't see how she could say no"

I look at her,"You flatter me Rose. I could think of many reasons. I itself see many reasons when I look into the mirror"

"While you see many, I see none"

"And this is further proof that you are the only light in my life with the exception of this guy", and I judge my horse's door softly with my boot. He neighed in reply.

She seemed hesitant to reply but decided to anyway, "I'm sure there is someone out there waiting for you and just for you"

I didn't reply. I didn't know how to. The way she said it, was full of surety. She was more of a friend than I imagined if she was so sure that my quest for love didn't end today by stating that someone was out there. She said it as if she personally knew who it was.

But that's absurd.

Finally she decided that she stood there enough in my silence when she removed my coat and handed it to me.

"Well I've got to go Tristan. Father is waiting for me. I'm late for supper."

I smile,"Aren't you always?"

"Yes", she smiles back,"A messenger sent out by Ned intercepted my ride here, warning me if that I was late, father would restrict me riding Storm for two moons to come and we both know how restless she is"

There goes that name again. Ned. I swear to the old gods and the new that if ever I were to hear that name again today, something or preferably someone is going to get a good introduction to my sword.

"Yes", I mutter,"don't want to keep them waiting"

She reached out and pulled me into an embrace that took me by surprise,"Don't worry Tristan. She's out there. I just know it"

And with that, she was gone.

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