01 | here lies choi haruki

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"humans die. animals die. plants die.
even soul reapers die.
it's the arch of the universe.
everything that comes to life
eventually ceases to exist."

Baraggan Louisenbairn —



The air was misty; wind blowing cooly as the sun shone brightly yet the heat still couldn't keep the place warm. Boxes placed everywhere, sounds of sorrowful crying every now and then.

"Today lies the death of Choi Haruki. May her soul rest in peace."

Those were the same exact words that kept repeating in everyone's minds. The fact that the bright and cheery girl was no longer with them, made everything worse. Everyone was affected badly by her death, what exactly happened?

No one saw it coming. At least, that's what they thought. The girl left no trace, just two newly written letters dated about five days before her death. Did she know that she was going to die? Some suspected yes, but that was impossible, how could someone know their date of death? Unless, she committed suicide.

With the evidences found and inspected, investigators as well as the police easily stated that the poor girl committed suicide. Did anyone believe them? A lot did, while some did have their doubts. But then again, even if a person was all happy on the outside, you have no rights to expect that she is indeed happy on the inside.

A deep sigh left the teenage boy's lips as he finished carrying the last box of Haruki's clothes into the attic. "Well done, Jaemin." Mark patted the blue haired boy's back as they closed the door.

The two boys went back to living room where the rest settled down after a long day of cleaning up Haruki's bedroom. Since they were close friends with Haruki, they thought it would be nice if they helped the family cope with Haruki's sudden death. By rest, that meant Jisung and Mrs. Choi.

However, since then, the boys were incomplete. As said, everyone had their own breakdown after knowing that she died.

In the living room, it was just Jisung, Jaemin, Mark and Haruki's mother.

"We're really sorry for your loss, Mrs. Choi." Mark said softly, his sad eyes casted on the grieving mother. Ever since the funeral, Mrs. Choi had been down in the dumps, her heart ached so bad, she barely even slept well because of it. As a mother, she just wanted to know what went wrong, why did her daughter decide to do that.

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