12 | who is alive?

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"the cause is hidden.
the effect is visible to all."




Faint metal creaks coming from the old swings filled the air, nothing but a cold wind brush past onto their faces, sounding a loud rustle from the trees.

His nerves wrecking in, he fiddled with the hem of his thick black coat, "What are we doing here again?" Jisung questions, eyes scanning around the rusty abandoned playground. Kids rarely come out to play after the case of 2017 happened in Jinhae-gu.

With the announced kidnappings, no parent dared to let their kids play outside anymore, especially alone even if it was daytime. However, tonight, a bunch of teenagers had decided to meet up at the old playground.

Nothing but the street lights provided them light, though it was quite dim.

"Do I have to repeat my self for the tenth time already?" Renjun tilted his head in annoyance, "We're here to talk about our plan."

Chenle shakes his head, "In the open? Sounds a bit risky."

Lihua agreed with her cousin, "Yeah, what he said."

Slumping over his shoulders, he let out a defeated sigh, "Then where do you want to have it?"

"Your house is close by, isn't it?" Hanmi raised a brow, pointing down the gate to Renjun's neighborhood.

Renjun had a look of discomfort, not really approving to Hanmi's idea. He knew that if they take a trip to his house, they were bound to know more about Haruki's twin sister. Not that he didn't like the idea of them knowing more, he somehow felt like it was quite of a surprise to Haruka.

The conversation he had with Haruka a few days ago confirmed that something was really going on with the Choi's then and now.

By how she acted with other people, it did seem like she had some similarities with Donghyuck. Isolated from everyone, the only difference was, Haruka was treated like she barely even existed.

"I don't know..." Renjun rubbed his nape as he diverted his gaze from them and onto the trees.

Hanmi shook her head, "How about Jaemin's?"

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