Detention Center

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Anakin was limping, with a large bandage on his forehead, and a cast on his real arm.

"What are you doing out of the healing ward?" I yelled

"Stop this act! I know you don't care about me! You're a dumb clone!"

I looked behind me and saw many helmets point towards the floor.

" could you? Why would you say that?" I said quietly.

"Skywalker, go back to the healing ward! That is an order!" said Mace, cutting into our conversation.

"No! I must end this clone." he said, wobbling towards me, pulling out his lightsaber with his vibranium arm.

I didn't even move my hand towards my lightsaber, but instead walked towards him. He ignited his lightsaber, but I still didn't go for my blades.

He tried leaping towards me, but only hurt himself instead. He held his thigh, I could tell he was in pain. I felt like such a monster. I had done this damage to him.

"I'm sorry Anakin."

"Sure you're sorry! You wouldn't run if you weren't the clone!"

I walked towards him, sending him rays of relaxation through the force. I put a hand on his shoulder, then used an ability I have never tried before. It was a force faint. I saw it in one of the books in the temple. I concentrated, and told the force what I wanted to do, but I didn't want to cause him any pain.

I opened my eyes, and saw a drowsy Anakin.

"Sleep well, Anakin."

He fell forwards into me, I quickly caught him and lowered him to the floor. His weight was too powerful for mine.

Padme came over and lowered down next to him. We were then joined by Obi-Wan.

"Cody, help me get Anakin back to the halls of healing!" yelled Obi-Wan to his clone commander.

I got up, and looked at my former Jedi masters, who looked fierce, but regretful at the same time.

"Don't think you're off the hook, Tano." said Windu.

"We will discuss it in the council chambers." said Shaak Ti.

"Of course jedi masters." I said back. This house no longer feels like home anymore, I couldn't stand calling any of them my master. I addressed them as anyone else would, that also informed them that I was no longer a part of them, and I felt outcast.

We were escorted by clones to a room, where we'd wait for the council's request for us.

"Great. We were caught." said an annoyed Ventress.

"I know, but they believe me now. There can't be anything too serious done to us." I replied with.

"Whatever, but I can't say I didn't warn you if we get put in a prison cell."

"Mind that, what about the clone?" asked Maul.

"I- I'm not sure. After that whole thing, I'm sure she knows she's nearing her end." I said back.

The door opened, and a clone entered.

"The council requests your presence." he said.

"Thank you." I said, rising from the chair I was seated in.

He got out a pair of force binders, then attempted to put them on me.

"Hey! Hold on! We won't be needing those!" I exclaimed.

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