Chapter 1

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I glanced out the black tinted windows. I saw as the clear road quickly turned into a wooded area. The black limosine pulled up to the front of a large stone building that appeared to look like a castle. The driver pulled to a stop,

"We're here now." Lawerence my foster father said as he looked out his window not even glancing my way.

"I can see that Lawerence" I said sarcasticly.

I watched as my door swung open by one of the men in black suit and tie he held it open waiting for me to get out. I climbed out of my seat, my foot landed on the solid concrete ground.

Once Lawerence got out of the car the men shut the suicide doors shut, once that had happened the limo driver didn't bother to wait for Lawerence or the other men to return he simply drove off.

"Come on now we don't want to keep your new teachers waiting." Lawerence told me as he passed me.

I followed close behind Mr. Lawerence, I didn't need to get lost and plus the men that were with us scared me a bit. The two front doors swung open as they made a loud creaking noise, two women were standing in front of us they slowly bowed there heads to us,

"Good morning Mr. Dale, Madame Kean is in her office." They both said as Lawerence passed them.

"Thank you for a warring me of where she is"

Lawerence was ahead of me I tried to keep up, but he was walking way to fast. He turned into a narrow hall where a small royal purple door stood. One of the men in a black suit pushed passed Lawerence and knocked on the door.

"Come on in, the doors unlocked," a sweet voice said

The man opened the door. I couldn't see who the sweet voice was because of the men blocking my sight and everyone coming inside. The two men in black stood next to the door and Lawerence and I approached the white blond haired women in a pantsuit.

"Please take a seat." She said jesturing to the black leather arm chairs that were in front of her desk.

I took the chair that was on the left, I glanced down at her desk and saw the name plate. It read Kean, Elizabeth and next to her name was the S.H.E.I.L.D logo.

Lawerence took his seat and leaned back getting comfortable. She glanced over to me, then to the men in black, and then to Lawerence.

"Is this the girl we spoke about over the phone the other day?" She asked

"Yes Elizabeth" he said as if I wasn't sitting right next to them.

"Well darling I am glad that you are now in the Academy of Gifted Hero High School or the AGHHS for short. If you don't already know I shall be your principal, here at AGHHS we have two assasitant principals Mrs. Talisman and Mr. Hyperion. Depending on your last name initial depends on who's your assistant principal, Mr. Hyperion handles the students A-M and Mrs. Talisman handles the students from N-Z. I have been already aware of the situation of not knowing your true identity because of the insident that happened when you were only three years of age, but I do know you are liked to be called Rose and since Mr. Dale is your foster father would you like to keep his last name as your own or do you rather change it?" She arched a brow towards my direction as she lifted up a sheet of paper from a vinilla folder.

"I would like to keep my current last name as Rose Dale." I said trying my hardest to sound mature.

She gave me a sweet smile and looked down at the paper and wrote something down. Her eyes skimmed over something, her face become confused and then she glanced at me then to the men in the back if the room and asked,

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