13 Facts

483 13 9

I was tagged by ShapeShiftinGal, thank you so much. Since I love emojis and all, I will be writing this on my phone.


Here are 13 facts about me.

1: My new obsession is Inosuke from demon slayer. He got me feeling all types of way and I wish there were more fanfics about him. Zjbdbzbbezheh, he makes me smile, moving on!

2: I'm turning 16 soon but I can pass as a 12-year-old....smh.

3: My 12-year-old sister is actually almost taller than me and can pass as an 18-year-old....haha....alrighty.

4: I'm Hispanic. Teehee.

5: I have huge crushes on any guy that are cute and hot at the same time cause why not? That combo is something my HEART can't handle. But like,,,, they soft and cute looking right? Then BAM! They're hot! Like wth! I love it.💀

6: My favorite color is orange, brought to you by Michelangelo from TMNT 2012...he cute and when he gets angry he makes this face that makes my heart sToP.

7: I'm 5'4, not the tallest but no the shortest. I could probably lift and throw you.😌

8: I have so many books in my room but spend my entire time on Wattpad (not reading) that I never get to read them.

9: I'm probably always writing a new story on Wattpad, I have over 50 drafts yet they're never published. I have like 4 Inosuke story's at the moment.

10: So, I'm straight, I love guys (fictional ones, unfortunately) but someone who I would switch for is Min-Seo from butterfly soup. I love her and her rebellious self.

11: I'm currently single but recently I got asked out BUT InOsUke popped up in my head and I politely turned him down, this is going to be an issue one day. But we're still friends.

12: Elizabeth is actually my middle name.

13:....I haven't done my online hw yet and it's due on Friday.

I won't be tagging anyone because as much as I'm on Wattpad, I actually don't really socialize😭 but if you would like to be tagged, hit me up and I'll gladly add you😌.


(Sorry)If I were to create a published fanfic about him

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If I were to create a published fanfic about him....you have no idea all the things I would write.😳

I might end up posting a fanfic about him when the next season of demon slayers comes out since there aren't many fanfics about him.

It's like, if someone won't make it, make it yourself, right?


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