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It was now Wednesday, and Lisa had planned to meet up with Hoseok after school in one of the dance studios.

She was making her way towards the back of the building where the studios are.

She remembered that Hoseok told her to meet him in Studio B. She scanned the signs on the doors to find the correct studio. Once finding Studio B, she slowly entered.

The large room was empty except for a bag and a water bottle sitting by the mirror, which she had assumed was Hoseok's. He was probably just in the bathroom or something.

She looked around the room and saw two monitors that were probably used to play videos of the dances and such.

She noticed that there was a phone plugged into the speaker. She made her way over and saw that a song was paused on the screen.

She hit play on the phone and music instantly filled the studio and a video started to play on the monitors of the dance. It was a song that was more on the slow side.

Staring up at the monitor, she saw the person doing the dance to the current song. She watched and eventually started to mimic the moves on the screen.

This was one of the many things Lisa was good at. She could see a dance or watch a dance and start following along and do it almost, if not, perfectly.

This was one of those instances where she was nailing it. Her long blonde hair was down so it was moving everywhere when she danced.

If you were someone who was watching her, you would think she had been training for months on this dance. She moved so gracefully and effortlessly. It was truly amazing.

The door to the studio opened, but Lisa was too engrossed in her dance to notice. She just continued like nothing was happening.

After about two more minuets, a voice spoke out from behind her.

"Wow, I'm impressed."

Lisa stopped dancing and quickly turned around, brushing her hair off of her now slightly sweaty face.

She instantly froze when it wasn't Hoseok who was standing in front of her. It was Jungkook, from lunch earlier.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know someone else was in here. I thought the bag and stuff belonged to Hoseok," she quickly explained herself to him.

He just looked at her for a moment before responding.

"It's alright. And . . . you're actually really good at dancing. I'm surprised," he said to her.

She sent him a questioning look.

"Why?" she asked him.

He quickly caught on to what she was trying to imply.

"No, no, it's not because you're a girl or anything. It's just because seem quiet and more . . . uh, reserved . . .," he was quick to defend himself.

She slowly nodded.

"I see. Well, I'll just leave if you were busy. I didn't mean to interrupt anything," she said to him.

"You don't have to leave. You were waiting for someone, so I'll just head out," he told her.

Jungkook walked over and started packing up his things.

"Are you planning to perform that song or anything? It was a really good dance," she was hesitant to ask him.

"Uh, no I just come in here to . . . relieve stress and things like that," he explained and she nodded.

"That must be nice . . .," she trailed off.

"Yeah," he quickly said.

Once he was done packing up his things, he made his way towards the door. He was about to walk about but before he did, he turned around.

"You should definitely try out for dance. You'd probably be one of the best people on the team," he said before exiting.

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