Dealing with bullies

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(In this story Legosi is gonna be a little bit more outspoken and open minded. Basically meaning he gonna act WAY cooler than he does at the beginning of the manga and kinda forget Haru as a love interest)

(Also, I don't claim to own any characters or the manga, cuz I don't)

Legosi POV: I was walking down the hall thinking about the most recent carnivore on herbivore attack. "If these attacks don't slow down soon the affect of them is going to reach the school" I thought miserably. I mean, the last thing I want to do is for the herbivores here to start being even more afraid of us carnivores. I continued my self pity party while walking until I heard a female loudly shout something I didn't quite catch. I quickly picked up the pace, curious on to what caused her to yell. I soon came up on some type of bird and canine pulling on somebody's arm. They hadn't noticed me yet so I quietly walked up behind to see who they were bullying. To say I was shocked would be a bit of an understatement. The animal they were bullying was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on (A.N. Except Jack cuz he is best boy).

What I saw was the most beautiful Grey Wolf I had ever seen in my 17 years of existence. She made Haru look average in comparison (though now that I think about it Haru is more cute than anything due to how small she is). I briefly remembered something about a lady Grey Wolf joining the drama club and wondered if it could be her. Pushing that thought aside I finally snapped out of my staring trace and assessed the situation. The two bullies and lovely wolf hadn't notice me yet, good. They were too wrapped up in what was happening between the three of them. I was starting to get really pissed off at watching these two bully such a precious wolf. I tried to formulate a plan but I was starting to get so irate that I just gave up. Fueled by all my anger and rage I went up to the bullies, held them by the back of their collars and turned them around to face me. I raised them up to my eye level so their feet were a good few inches from the ground due to my tall stature. 

I simply asked "What is going on here?" in a voice that sounded calm to me but judging by the looks on their faces I probably didn't ask it very calmly, I also probably had a bit of a snarl. 

"W-w-we weren't doing anything" Idiot #1 said

"Y-yeah we were just joking around with her" said Idiot #2

Judging by the way the girl currently had her knees drawn up to her chest and was hiding her face in them. I could tell they were doing anything but "joking around". I can't explain why but seeing her all hurt and sad like that made my heart pang. So I got even more aggressive with them. 

"If you fools don't tell me what you were really doing in 10 seconds I'm going to throw the both of you into a wall!"

Silence, they didn't say anything so I started counting

"10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3-"

"OK OK I'LL TELL YOU" Idiot #1 screamed probably about to drop solids.

"W-we were making fun of her by constantly asking her if she had anything to with the recent attacks a-a-and when she didn't say anything we pulled out pictures of the news article and proclaimed that she had to have done it..." he exclaimed all in one breath.

I looked over at idiot #2 for conformation in which all I got was a weak nod of the head

"...I'll give you guys 2 seconds to high tail it out of here before I actually hurt you"

They didn't need anymore encouragement and were gone faster than you could say "Egg Sand which" 

After calming my self down with some deep breaths I looked over at the girl who was still hiding her head between her knees. I walked up and sat next to her, "They're gone" I said simply. When she looked at me I immediately gave her a warm and comforting smile. She was so beautiful I couldn't help but smile. I looked her in the eyes (which were also lovely) and said "Hey, my name's Legosi"

(They finally met boys, sorry if the first chapter isn't too good. It's currently 4 AM and I just started writing of the dome. I'm so tired of there not being any Legosi x Juno stories)

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