An interesting situation for the 701 boys

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(A.N. The manga chapters after the original source (chapter 27) make it really hard to write Juno x Legosi in since we all know what happens in chapter 28. So ima have to make my own stuff happen. Also, I have no idea what I should do about the Shishigumi.)

Legosi POV: After the interesting start to drama club today, the rest of it was going relatively smooth.

Especially with Louis. I was kind of expecting him to either be quiet or go straight dictator mode after being embarrassed like that.

But no, when we got to the Meteor Festival grounds, he seemed to act as he normally did. Though I did notice he was slightly tense anytime I got within 20 feet of him.

The only "problem" I had was Bill asking me how I knew Louis carried a gun. It was not fun to explain to him that I saw the entire interaction between him and Louis in the infirmary.

(A.N. As I am writing this, I realized that all happened in chapter 30 and the og source for this chapter (mostly) is 28 FML. Well shit, let's pretend it happened earlier it doesn't really change much.)

I was annoying trying to tell Bill I didn't think of him as weak for cowering at a gun. It was harder than it should have been considering I was telling the truth.

"Oh, this paint needs more water" said Kai

"Oh, I can bring you a bucket, would that be fine?" I asked

"Yeah, thanks" Kai said gratefully

I finished getting the bucket filled up, so I stood up and started to make my way back.

That was when I noticed something small behind me, so I turned around, but it wasn't there. I turned around again, and it wasn't there.

This went on a couple more times before I finally was able to see who was behind me.

It turned out to be Haru, which was unexpected considering she was never the one to start conversation.

"Oh, hello Haru" I said politely, even though I don't want to talk to her right now

"I didn't think I would see you outside. I'm so glad" she said

"Well, the Gardening Club is a part of the Meteor Festival, right?" I asked, already knowing the answer

"Yeah. I'm the only member in my club so I'm terribly busy. Legosi, would mind helping me out a bit?" she said that last bit in a flirtatious tone.

Me, not wanting to deal with her BS simply said "Oh, sorry but I'm quite busy with painting the dinosaur; and I don't want to abandon my post."

She was a bit bummed at this but covered it up with a smile "Oh, well OK. Good luck with that"

I would've felt bad for her if I didn't know she was just trying to smash.

After that incident, the rest of the day went fine. We got a good amount of the dinosaur painted for the first day, and it seemed like the actor's team got stuff done too. Though I would have to ask Juno about that.

"We're going to stop working for today! We need to put the equipment back. We're going back to school." Dom said enthusiastically.

"Huh?" "But it's only 5." "Oh..." "Is it because of the news?" a group of animals said

"...Yeah. We've been getting more murders lately, so it's dangerous to be outside in the night." Dom said sadly

"Does everybody understand?" he said

"Yes, we understand." the same group said

I personally didn't mind leaving early since I was pretty tired. Plus, it means I might get to be with Juno more.

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