Patching Up

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Legosi POV: It's been a few days since my little show I had with Juno.

It had probably been seen by about a hundred animals, which was definitely not good.

I'm sure every animal in the school knew about my show by the end of the day. Not because of the number of animals that saw it, but because we're all High Schoolers.

Everybody knows that all High Schoolers are good at least one thing; and it's spreading gossip. And I'm quite certain that what I did was gossip worthy.

I can handle gossip and rumors with ease considering some animals have been doing it to me for years. I was ready for it and I can handle it.

What I wasn't ready for were the videos of me that started popping up on my Beastbook feed. There were dozens of them, each from a different angle but showing the same thing. Me screaming at Juno and the crowd.

My roommates have most definitely seen the videos by now. Thankfully they haven't said anything about it.

After the videos came out, there have been a lot of girls that have approached me and tried to ask me out. I guess they assume that I am single now, which I'm not.

I still love Juno, I really do. I'm just confused and hurt about the whole situation, which is why I told her not to talk to me for a few days. Just so we can both think it over and come to terms with the situation we put ourselves in.

(Time Skip)

There's only a couple of days left before the meteor festival, so the entire drama club has been in rush mode to make sure that everything is ready. It's been quite tough since Louis is always a bit of an asshole during these times, pressuring everybody to be great in a non-positive way.

It's even tougher this time because the other leader everyone was looking towards kind of shut herself off from the rest of the club. And that someone is Juno.

She's still been practicing, in fact, practicing is the only thing she's been doing these last few days. Every time I see her in drama class, she's either dancing her heart out, or taking a rest break. And I'm afraid to say I rarely ever see her take a rest break, so now I'm afraid that she'll overwork herself like Louis and get injured.

I decided that I would break the silence I put between us and talk to her after drama club.

(Another time skip oof)

I was waiting outside of the drama club building so I talk with her. I was waiting for a while before she showed up.

"Juno," I said getting her attention "do you want to join me on a walk?" I asked

She seemed quite surprised that I was still there, and even more surprised that I was the one asking her.

"Uh, sure I guess." She said apprehensively

And so, we walked. We made sure to keep our distance, but not act like total strangers to each other.

"So, I asked you to walk with me because I want to talk and I have some questions." I stated

"Okay" She replied

"Now, first off, why didn't you tell me you wanted to be Beastar? I will be more than happy to support you. Did you really think I would have thought you were delusional or something?" I said in a questioning tone.

"...well honestly, yeah. I was afraid if I told anybody that I wanted be Beastar, they would have just laughed at me and not take me seriously." She explained sheepishly

*Sigh* "Juno, I can understand how you felt about telling people that you want to be Beastar. I mean, it seems crazy, with Louis in the race in everything. But you should have never thought I would have laughed or thought of you negatively. Hell, I think it's awesome you want to do something so big and important. I just want you to remember that you will never look like a fool to me." I said this all while looking her in the eye, which started to well up near the end.

Seeing this, I quickly brought her into an embrace. Trying to reassure her and show her that I really meant what I said.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, me holding her while she burrowed her head into my chest. Sniffling as she would try to collect herself to speak again.

When she was finally able to speak, she did so, without leaving my embrace, "So you don't hate me? I thought me assaulting Louis would have been it."

I dryly laughed this, "OH Juno, I can't be mad at you for that because that would be extremely hypocritical of me."

She looked up at me with big shiny eyes, "What do you mean?" she questioned.

I looked off into the distance as I remembered that night, with an expression of distaste of my face.

"You see, a couple months ago I was patrolling in front of the auditorium while Louis worked with a student after hours. Which, yes, is not allowed. I was obviously nervous and afraid of getting caught, and Louis was taking his sweet time. It was all calm, until I caught to scent of an herbivore. Now I don't why then of all times I acted up but I did. My feral instincts took over and I chased after it, catching it quickly and trapping it in my arms."

Juno was clearly intrigued by this story, as her body language was really giving it away. So, I continued.

"I sat there, for what I can only guess was a few minutes. But for me- and the herbivore probably- it felt like an eternity. The entire time I was trying to overcome my instincts, literally fighting with myself over this small animal. I ended up losing, and right as I was about to bite down, the student called out to me for help since Louis had been hurt. This snapped me out of my state, which let the herbivore escape. But not without some scratches of its arm since I had blood on my claws."

Juno was in clear shock at my tale, which didn't surprise me. And since she was silent, I was able to use the opportunity to get my final point in.

"Also, on the topic of Louis getting injured; you really need to calm down with the dance training. You're going to end up being like Louis and injure yourself over something as silly as a performance." I tried to sound joking when I said this, but it was obvious I was serious about it.

She looked like she wanted to say something about this. But my knowing look ended all arguments she had.

"Alright, alright... I'll ease up on the training but that doesn't mean I won't stop." She said with an adorable little pout on her face.

"Thank you, now, how long are we going to stand like this before one of us does something about it." I said, acknowledging how close we in proximity we were.

"Don't worry, I got you." Juno said before smashing her lips against mine.

I obviously reciprocated.

God I love this girl.

(Guess who's lazy ass finally updated, THIS GUYS' ASS)

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